Publications of the Chair

What policies for the hydrogen sector? Lessons from city buses

Authors :
Guy Meunier, Jean Pierre Ponssard

This note identifies the two major handicaps to be overcome by the hydrogen sector in transport and uses the example of buses to illustrate the public policies that can overcome these obstacles.

What policy should be adopted to encourage deployment of hydrogen vehicles in France?

Authors :
Guy Meunier et Jean Pierre Ponssard

Based on the Norwegian experience with low-carbon vehicles, the authors analyse the hydrogen plan launched by Nicolas Hulot when he was Minister for Ecological and Solidarity Transition and make several recommendations.

Response to the UE public consultation:“Fitness check on the EU framework for public reporting by companies”

Authors :
Marion Cohen, Alain Grandjean et Frédéric Rossi

In their response, experts associated with the Chair emphasize the predominance of accounting standards over non-financial information to guide corporate strategies. Accounting is not neutral, and the fact that it does not integrate human and natural capital is a major obstacle to achieving the EU's sustainability objectives.

Mobility solutions for the energy transition – Cahier de l’Institut Louis Bachelier

Authors :
Cahier de l'ILB realised with Jean-Pierre Ponssard

Realised with Jean-Pierre Ponssard, this "Cahier de l'ILB" is dedicated to sustainable mobility. It deals with various subjects : how driving restrictions affect urban pollution, carbon footprint of motor vehicles in the United States, hydrogen vehicles, the importance of strong regulation to reap the full benefits of innovation in mobility.