Numerous policies are being enacted to support the ecological transition in different sectors, in addition to incomplete carbon taxation. Sectoral policies include subsidies for research and development, for production (of renewable energy, electric vehicles, etc.), and for pilot projects, as well as technical standards (for instance, the CAFE standards in the US transport sector), among others.
These policies are designed to ease the transition to a low-carbon economy – but do they achieve that goal? Research undertaken by members of the Energy and Prosperity Chair explores ways to reconcile the needs for planning, flexibility and decentralisation in the development of transition support policies. It also considers the necessary coordination of policies that touch on different interconnected sectors.
Guy Meunier (INRA, CREST, ENSAE Ecole Polytechnique), María Eugenia Sanin (Evry University – University Paris-Saclay)
Aurélien Bigo (independent researcher), Florence Charue-Duboc (Ecole Polytechnique), Caroline Devaux (Nantes University), Andreas-Makoto Hein (Luxembourg University), Quentin Hoarau (INRAE, PSAE), Maryeme Kettani (OFCE, SciencePo), Juan-Pablo Montero (PUC-Chile), Jean Philippe Nicolaï (GAEL), Nandeeta Neerunjun (CREST-PSAE), Jean-Pierre Ponssard (CNRS, CREST), Ingmar Schumacher (IPAG), Raphaël Soubeyran (INRAE, CEE-M), Emmanuelle Taugourdeau (CNRS, CREST).
Ariane Bousquet (University Paris Saclay), Farah Doumit (University Paris Saclay), Maxence Gérard (INRAE, BETA), Anaïs Kanellos (INRAE, BETA), Albin Kasser (INRAE, PSAE), Maryam Sadighi (University Paris Saclay).
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