Publications of the Chair

Délocalisations dans un contexte d’échanges internationaux et de concurrence imparfaite: Quels sont les impacts des délocalisations en fonction de la qualité environnementale de la technologie utilisée

Authors :
Julie Ing, Jean-Philippe Nicolaï

Cet article étudie dans le cadre d’un modèle d’équilibre partiel à deux pays, le Nord et le Sud, les effets du changement de localisation des entreprises dans un contexte de concurrence internationale et imparfaite. 

Un policy-mix vert pour l’Europe

Authors :
Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, Wojtek Kalinowski, Dominique Plihon

Si elle ne veut pas se désintégrer sous la pression de multiples crises internes et externes, l’Europe politique doit adapter sa gouvernance économique aux défis qui l’attendent. Certaines formes de coordination économique peuvent émerger dans le cadre juridique actuel, d’autres exigeraient une réforme des traités européens.


Wealth inequality and carbon inequality

Authors :
Alpha Ly, Ablam Estel Apeti, Bao-We-Wal Bambe, Eyah Denise Edoh

This paper advances the issue about the richest people contributing disproportionately to the increase in CO2 emissions, and thus to global warming by providing robust econometric validity. The method aims at. examining the effect of wealth accumulation on carbon emissions. Our regression estimates support the hypothesis that wealth concentration significantly increases carbon...

Power constraints and firm-level total factor productivity in developing countries

Authors :
Ablam Estel Apeti, Alpha Ly

We analyze the effects of power constraints on manufacturing firms’ TFPR. Statistically, the power constraints treatment variable is not random for the firms. Power constraints negatively and significantly affect firm-level TFPR. Average productivity 11% lower for exposed firms compared to unexposed firms. The acquisition of backup generators or investment in R&D mitigates this...

Electrification or deforestation? Evidence from household practices in Côte d’Ivoire

Authors :
Alpha Ly, Raja Chakir, Anna Creti

This paper investigates the impact of electrification on household practices related to deforestation in Côte d’Ivoire, specifically focusing on the expansion of arable farms and the use of biomass fuels.  

Looking at the relationship between electrification and the expansion of arable farms inspired by Angelsen and studying  data from the latest four waves of the household Living Standards...

Functionalism in ecology and economics: Epistemological affinities and temptations

Authors :
Hadrien Lantremange

This article reviews the epistemological debates about functionalism in ecology. While identifying current area of scientific validity, t emphasizes, in particular, that functionalism depends on the system examined and remains inapplicable wherever singularity prevails. 

Climate change and biodiversity loss: new territories for financial authorities

Authors :
Hugues Chenet

We analyse the current and possible ways forward in this consideration of climate and biodiversity by finance, highlighting the extent to which they may either contribute to and/or suffer from those environmental changes.

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from the cattle sector: land-use regulation as an alternative to emissions pricing

Authors :
Maxence Gérard, Stéphane De Cara, Guy Meunier

We examine the efficiency of a subsidy to cattle farmers for setting aside land for natural ecosystem regeneration. We develop a partial equilibrium model of the cattle sector that integrates land use, greenhouse gas emissions, and animal feeding. We identify conditions under which the subsidy is the best alternative to these other second-best policies.

Macroeconomic policy evaluation in an SFC econometric model: the case of the investment program for climate action in France

Authors :
Chin Yuan Chong, Jacques Mazier, Luis Reyes

We study the macroeconomic impact of climate action policy that would allow France to reach its net zero objective by 2050. Contrary to the findings of a report commissioned by the French Prime Minister, our simulations show that these investments are likely to generate economic growth and reduce public debt.

Leaving the hearth you know: Internal migration and energy poverty

Authors :
Johanna Choumert-Nkolo, Leonard le Roux

We document the relationship between rural–urban migration and energy poverty in South Africa. Our findings show that migrants to urban areas experience significant reductions in energy poverty, particularly in the use of traditional cooking fuels. Our study also explores energy poverty outcomes for both sending and receiving households, gender differences among migrants, and other amenities.