We analyze the effects of power constraints on manufacturing firms’ TFPR. Statistically, the power constraints treatment variable is not random for the firms. Power constraints negatively and significantly affect firm-level TFPR. Average productivity 11% lower for exposed firms compared to unexposed firms. The acquisition of backup generators or investment in R&D mitigates this...
This paper investigates the impact of electrification on household practices related to deforestation in Côte d’Ivoire, specifically focusing on the expansion of arable farms and the use of biomass fuels.
Looking at the relationship between electrification and the expansion of arable farms inspired by Angelsen and studying data from the latest four waves of the household Living Standards...
We analyse the current and possible ways forward in this consideration of climate and biodiversity by finance, highlighting the extent to which they may either contribute to and/or suffer from those environmental changes.
Nos résultats montrent que le niveau de divulgation climatique influence positivement la performance financière mesurée par le Market to Book et le Q de Tobin. Toutefois, on constate des différences importantes selon les pays.
We document the relationship between rural–urban migration and energy poverty in South Africa. Our findings show that migrants to urban areas experience significant reductions in energy poverty, particularly in the use of traditional cooking fuels. Our study also explores energy poverty outcomes for both sending and receiving households, gender differences among migrants, and other amenities.
The distribution of the footprint within a country is regularly computed using consumption data, and with the assumption that the footprint from a product category is proportional to the spending on that product. Here, we explore the limitations of this proportionality assumption.
Extracting, processing, and delivering energy requires energy itself, which reduces the net energy available to society and yields considerable socioeconomic implications. Yet, most mitigation pathways and transition models overlook net energy feedbacks.
Cet article analyse l’intégration des enjeux climatiques dans la gouvernance d’entreprise. À partir des données 2019 de l’enquête CDP, il montre que les sociétés du FTSE100, de l’HDAX et du SBF120, et mobilisent des dispositifs de contrôle et d’incitation similaires pour garantir la transparence de l’information climatique malgré quelques spécificités liées à leurs environnements...
Les crises des dernières décennies, qu’elles soient relatives à la finance, aux dettes souveraines, ou même sanitaire, n’ont pas définanciarisé le monde. Tout au contraire.
Un modèle économétrique SFC de l'économie française est présenté pour étudier les effets des politiques monétaires non-conventionnelles et l'impact d'une version simple de la monnaie électronique banque centrale. Différentes formes de politiques monétaires non conventionnelles sont évaluées.
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