This paper explores the implications of ecosystemic macroprudential regulations on sustainability in an ecological PK-SFC framework. The results of the paper highlight the relevance of ecosystemic prudential regulation to tackle climate change and call for adopting a holistic approach to sustainability policies.
We analyze the effects of power constraints on manufacturing firms’ TFPR. Statistically, the power constraints treatment variable is not random for the firms. Power constraints negatively and significantly affect firm-level TFPR. Average productivity 11% lower for exposed firms compared to unexposed firms. The acquisition of backup generators or investment in R&D mitigates this...
This paper investigates the impact of electrification on household practices related to deforestation in Côte d’Ivoire, specifically focusing on the expansion of arable farms and the use of biomass fuels.
Looking at the relationship between electrification and the expansion of arable farms inspired by Angelsen and studying data from the latest four waves of the household Living Standards...
Chaque année, le CEPII publie dans la collection " Repères " des analyses inédites des grandes questions économiques mondiales. L'économie mondiale tourne peut-être la page de la Covid-19 ainsi que celle de l'inflation, mais va devoir apprendre à se relever de chocs d'offre, de la géopolitique au climat, appelés à se multiplier, et à naviguer...
Alors que notre époque est marquée par l’urgence climatique, la transition écologique peine à s’enclencher. L’ouvrage plaide pour concerter la transition écologique et engager l'ensemble de la société dans la construction d’un avenir commun. Semblable à un processus constituant, ce changement d’approche vise à construire un nouveau contrat écologique, un compromis de société qui décloisonne les questions...
Rôle et mécanismes des banques, réglementation, mutations… L’essentiel en 30 questions-réponses "Parlons banque en 30 questions"
How the increased trade openness and correspondingly higher marginal propensity to
import explains the lower efficiency of economic policy in the context of economic openness. Using an empirical stock-flow consistent model for the French economy (SFC FR), we analyze the macroeconomic impacts of these policies through a series of macroeconomic shocks.
The economic agent was previously assumed to be distinct from its environment and that nothing was forcing him to act on it. With the ecological crisis, every agent appears to be inserted into an environment, which he modifies in an irreversible way without even having decided to do so. This changes in depth the...
Ce séminaire sera consacré aux enjeux de gouvernance d'entreprise en lien avec la transition écologique.