Les publications de la Chaire

Economic policy efficiency and recovery in an open economy

Auteurs :
Jacques Mazier, Luis Reyes, Chin Yuan Chong

How the increased trade openness and correspondingly higher marginal propensity to
import explains the lower efficiency of economic policy in the context of economic openness. Using an empirical stock-flow consistent model for the French economy (SFC FR), we analyze the macroeconomic impacts of these policies through a series of macroeconomic shocks.

Economic rationality, ecological rationality and the orientation issue

Auteurs :
Hadrien Lantremange

The economic agent was previously assumed to be distinct from its environment and that nothing was forcing him to act on it. With the ecological crisis, every agent appears to be inserted into an environment, which he modifies in an irreversible way without even having decided to do so. This changes in depth the...

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from the cattle sector: land-use regulation as an alternative to emissions pricing

Auteurs :
Maxence Gérard, Stéphane De Cara, Guy Meunier

We examine the efficiency of a subsidy to cattle farmers for setting aside land for natural ecosystem regeneration. We develop a partial equilibrium model of the cattle sector that integrates land use, greenhouse gas emissions, and animal feeding. We identify conditions under which the subsidy is the best alternative to these other second-best policies.

Macroeconomic policy evaluation in an SFC econometric model: the case of the investment program for climate action in France

Auteurs :
Chin Yuan Chong, Jacques Mazier, Luis Reyes

We study the macroeconomic impact of climate action policy that would allow France to reach its net zero objective by 2050. Contrary to the findings of a report commissioned by the French Prime Minister, our simulations show that these investments are likely to generate economic growth and reduce public debt.

Pricing Congestion to Increase Traffic: The Case of Bogotá

Auteurs :
Juan-Pablo Montero, Felipe Sepúlveda, Leonardo J. Basso

In September 2020, the city of Bogotá introduced a major market-based reform to its odd-even driving restriction. The big winners of the reform are middle-income individuals who now use their cars more often, whereas the big losers are high-income individuals who now spend more time in traffic.

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Green Demonstrators: Application to the Container Glass Industry in France

Auteurs :
Maryam Sadighi, Jean-Pierre Ponssard, Maria Eugenia Sanin, Murès Zarea, Elodie Le Cadre Loret

Adopting disruptive technologies for decarbonizing hard-to-abate industrial sectors requires experimentation through demonstration (pilot) projects. However, from an economic perspective, the potential long-term benefits and the difficulties in designing relevant public policies are not addressed in the standard valuations of those projects.

Decarbonization with Induced Technical Change: Exploring the Niche Potential of Hydrogen in Heavy Transportation

Auteurs :
Albin Kasser, Elodie Le Cadre Loret, Guy Meunier, Jean-Pierre Ponssard, Mures Zarea

Electric batteries and fuel cells (hydrogen) are competing technologies for the energy transition in heavy transportation. This paper shows that the existence of a market niche for fuel-cell electric buses (FCEBs) can be obtained depending on the values of a limited set of key parameters.

Car-Fuel Poverty: Determinants and Policy Implications for France

Auteurs :
Ariane Bousquet, María Eugenia Sanin

Several European governments implemented a generalized gasoline subsidy in the face of inflation following the Ukrainian crisis. In contrast, reducing fossil fuel consumption is crucial to mitigate the current energy and climate crises. Fuel consumption for transport increases with income, making rich households the main beneficiaries of generalized subsidies. In this context, a thorough...

Réinventer la planification à l’heure de la transition écologique

Auteurs :
Dominique Plihon

Cette note tente de définir les contours de la planification écologique nécessaire en s’appuyant notamment sur les expériences passées et récentes. Seront successivement analysés (1) les obstacles à la transition écologique qu’il convient de surmonter, (2) les leçons des expériences de planification passées et récentes et (3) les pistes permettant de réinventer la planification française pour promouvoir la...

Du bon usage du coût d’abattement dans le contexte de la neutralité carbone en 2050 : principes et application à la mobilité

Auteurs :
Guy Meunier, Jean-Pierre Ponssard

Dans une note à paraître prochainement dans la Revue de l'Energie, Guy Meunier et Jean-Pierre Ponssard montrent : (i) Que la définition d’un indicateur dynamique de coût d’abattement, évaluant le déploiement d’une technologie décarbonée en substitution d’une technologie carbonée, est une approche plus complète que celle des coûts d’abattement traditionnels , et qu’elle débouche sur une préconisation d’accélération des programmes...