Les publications de la Chaire

Do French firms follow a transparent or climate-friendly path?

Auteurs :
Jeanne Amar, Samira Demaria, Sandra Rigot

Our analysis of the Climate Risks and Opportunities Index (CRORI) and the CDP climate score reveal a parallel improvement of these indices with different sectoral disparities over the 2015–2019 period. While our results are encouraging, they need to be put into perspective because these firms are still far from being carbon neutral.

Mineral Resources and the Salience of Ethnic Identities

Auteurs :
Nicolas Berman, Mathieu Couttenier, Victoire Girard

Our findings suggest a new dimension of the natural resource curse: the fragmentation of identities, between ethnic groups and nations.

The design flaw in Sustainability-Linked Bonds

Auteurs :
Julien Lefournier

We examine in this paper sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) whose issuance now totals more than USD 200 bn. There is a structural design flaw in the SLB mechanism: setting a significant coupon step-up does not suit the issuer’s nor the investors’ interests, considering conditionality. This creates a no win situation for the issuer and investors alike and explains the “benign”...

Extending the limits of the abatement cost

Auteurs :
Guy Meunier, Jean-Pierre Ponssard

The paper examines the relevant cost benefit framework for state agencies investigating the potential of local projects to mitigate climate change. We propose a new metric that incorporates into the analytical framework the dynamic interactions between the project and its continuation.

Sur-allocation de quotas gratuits et effets sur la concurrence dans l’industrie sidérurgique européenne

Auteurs :
Maria-Eugenia Sanin, Sylvain Sourisseau

Les secteurs considérés comme fortement exposés à la concurrence internationale dans le cadre du système européen d'échange de quotas d'émission (EU-ETS) bénéficient toujours d'une allocation de quotas gratuits (EUA). Nous étudions ici un des principaux secteurs bénéficiaires : la sidérurgie. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'EU-ETS n'a pas réussi à fournir des incitations à la décarbonation dans ce secteur.

Il n’y a pas de signal prix !

Auteurs :
Ivar Ekeland, Wolfram Schlenker, Peter Tankov, Brian Wright

Dans cet article, nous apportons une modification simple au modèle de Hotelling, en introduisant un élément aléatoire dans le problème : on ne sait pas où sont les gisements, mais on connaît la probabilité d'en découvrir un dans un endroit donné. L'analyse mathématique démontre qu'il n'y a pas de signal-prix.

Attractiveness of Clean Energy Stocks in Europe: The importance of shocks in oil and gas prices

Auteurs :
Maria Eugenia Sanin, Ayşegül Uçkun Özkan

This article identifies supply and demand shocks in the oil and gas market using monthly data (from January 2008 to December 2021) and explores their impact on clean energy stock returns in Europe. Our results show that a negative gas supply shock positively affects clean energy stocks, while a negative shock in global oil supply does not have...

Power Sector Regulation and Private Sector Participation in Africa

Auteurs :
Alpha Ly, Raja Chakir, Anna Creti

In this paper, we show that the adoption by the regulator of measures such as the automatic tariff adjustment mechanism or cost reflectivity allows the mitigation of currency and inflation risks on the evolution of installed capacity in the 54 African countries over the period 1990-2019.

Energy consumption and energy poverty in lower income countries: drivers for a solar transition

Auteurs :
Maryème Kettani, Maria Eugenia Sanin

This paper studies energy demand determinants and energy poverty in Morocco and assess to which extent the adoption of PV panels could help achieve a just energy transition.

Electrification and Deforestation in Côte d’Ivoire: a spatial econometric analysis

Auteurs :
Alpha Ly, Raja Chakir, Anna Creti

The objective of this paper is to analyze the link between electrification and deforestation in Cote d'Ivoire. Our results show a positive link. Indeed, deforestation continues to gain ground in the country alongside the vast national electrification access programs ongoing since 2011.