Les publications de la Chaire

Cattle diet and the carbon footprint of beef: a meta-analysis

Auteurs :
Maxence Gérard

Grass-based beef cattle production systems are generally perceived as beneficial to the environment. However, the climate impact of grass-based systems compared to systems based on energy-dense feeds remains controversial. The findings highlight potential trade-offs between climate goals and other sustainability objectives (e.g., biodiversity, animal welfare).

Quels sont les déterminants de la transparence climatique des entreprises en Europe ?

Auteurs :
Jeanne Amar, Samira Demaria, Sandra Rigot

La transparence : une condition nécessaire à la réorientation des investissements vers une économie bas carbone, mais pas suffisante. Quels sont les déterminants qui influencent la transparence climatique des firmes européennes ?

Enseigner l’éthique autrement pour prévenir les conflits d’intérêts et la capture

Auteurs :
Laurence Scialom

Conflits d'intérêts et capture des régulateurs soulèvent des questions éthiques majeures susceptibles de saper la légitimité de l'action publique. Cet article défend l'idée que les cours d'éthique dans l'enseignement supérieur peuvent être structurés de sorte de lieux armer les futurs décideurs privés et publics face à ces problématiques. 

Evaluating second-hand EVs subsidies Efficiency and Welfare Gains

Auteurs :
Ariane Bousquet, Juan-Pablo Montero, Maria-Eugenia Sanin

The recent inclusion of second-hand EV subsidies in several countries raises questions about their economic rationale. Contrary to conventional thinking, we show that while subsidies for second-hand EVs are often justified on equity grounds, they also improve efficiency as they influence the equilibrium composition of the vehicle fleet.

The rise and fall of neoliberalism: Evidences from an ecological and regulationist analysis of France (1960–2020)

Auteurs :
Alban Pellegris, Victor Court

This article explores the critical role of energy in shaping capitalist modes of development, and their entry into crisis, in France between 1960 and 2020. This analysis challenges traditional views that regard energy primarily as an exogenous shock and instead posits energy as a fundamental metabolic constraint in capitalist accumulation regimes and proves that neoliberalism's...

Carbon taxation in a global production network

Auteurs :
Jordi Planelles, María-Eugenia Sanin

Herein we study carbon taxation considering the structure of the global production network. With this purpose we characterize how the implementation of a carbon tax in one country-sector can generate sizeable fluctuations on global emissions and welfare through its impact on the structure of production.

Regulatory impact on Quality of Electricity Distribution Services. The case of Latin America and the Caribbean

Auteurs :
Mariana Weiss, Pauline Ravillard, Maria Eugenia Sanin, Franco Carvajal, Yuri Daltro, Enrique Chueca Enrique Chueca, Michelle Hallack

In this study, we empirically estimate the impact of quality regulation based on economic incentives on the frequency and duration of power outages. Our results show that on average, private firms had a better quality performance, but the worst performing firms in the region were also private. Our results advocate for more quality regulation.

Main challenges regarding development and sustainability in economics and finance

Auteurs :
Stéphane Goutte, Maria-Eugenia Sanin

Balancing development and climate sustainability is a critical issue confronting nations worldwide. This is the core focus of our new journal, Development and Sustainability in Economics and Finance (DSEF). This article provides an initial overview of the type of research DSEF seeks to publish.

Some don’t like it hot: NGO campaigns and the market valuation of « dirty » banks

Auteurs :
Thierry Mayer, Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier and Clément Mazet-Sonhilac

We exploit new data on NGO campaigns that target banks financing fossil fuels ("brown'' banks) to build a measure of French banks' environmental reputation, which we merge with granular data on bank deposits and loans of households in France over 2010-2020. We find that banks receive relatively fewer household deposits when they are perceived...

Warning words in a warming world: central bank communication and climate change

Auteurs :
Emanuele Campiglio, Jérôme Deyris, Davide Romelli, Ginevra Scalisi

This paper studies climate-related central bank communication using a novel dataset containing 35,487 speeches delivered by 131 central banks from 1986 to 2023. It employs natural language processing techniques to identify and trace the evolution of key climate-related narratives centred around (i) green finance, and (ii) climate-related financial risks. Equity returns of "green" firms outperform those of "dirty" firms...