Le papier analyse les facteurs ayant influencé les émissions de CO2 des transports sur la période 1960-2017. Il évalue pour cela la contribution relative de cinq facteurs pour les transports de passagers et de marchandises : la demande de transport, le report modal, le taux de remplissage, l’efficacité énergétique des véhicules et l’intensité carbone...
Based on content analysis of firms’ reference documents over 2015-2017, this article examines CAC 40 firms’ compliance with the recommendations of TCFD by building a new index to measure the disclosure of environmental information.
La conclusion de cet article est qu’il est pour le moins contestable que l’obligation "verte" contribue à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique (contrairement à certains financements de projets ou autres investissements directs dans des projets verts), et que l’on peut se poser la question d’un greenwashing fonctionnel.
This paper is an introduction to climate change risk for the financial sector (banks and investors). It aims to provide financial professionals, researchers and policymakers in the area of banking and investment with a snapshot of the current state of the art and guidance on the relevant literature to go further.
This article provides a knowledge-based and energy-centred unified growth model of the transition from limited to sustained economic growth.
This article analyzes the transition dynamics, what Hicks called the traverse, from one equilibrium toward another one—and the conditions for such a transfer—in a bi-sectoral economy under technological shocks.
In this paper, we estimate for the first time how production and emissions of manufacturing firms in one country respond to foreign demand shocks in trading partner markets.
This paper analyzes the potential benefit of using subsidies conditional on success or failure of an R&D program, rather than a flat subsidy.
We introduce a theoretical framework for the analysis of competition between a traditional and a renewable generator in a spot electricity market where the electricity from renewable sources is always the first to be dispatched.
How could the burden of GHG emission reduction be shared among countries? The article address this arguably basic question by purely statistical methods that do not rely on any normative judgment about the criteria according to which it should be answered.
Ce séminaire a pour objectif de présenter et de discuter ces différentes adaptations apportées au cadre prudentiel au cours de la période récente. Le séminaire donnera lieu à trois présentations par Pierre Monnin (CEP), Thierry Philipponnat (Finance Watch) et Olivier de Bandt, directeur de la recherche à la Banque de France.
The 11th edition of the annual International Conference on Mobility Challenges brings together experts from academia and industry, pushing the frontier of challenges at the intersection of automotive, energy, and mobility sectors. We welcome internationally renowned speakers as well as participants from the three sponsoring chairs, along with specialists from a wide range of...