Depuis quelques années, dans un contexte de raréfaction des hydrocarbures et de basculement vers les énergies décarbonées, plusieurs études ont essayé d’estimer l’impact d’une baisse de l’EROI sur le fonctionnement d’une société industrielle. Une autre façon d’approcher ce sujet revient à se demander s’il est possible d’estimer la valeur minimale d’EROI requise pour soutenir...
Understanding the mechanisms of deforestation is necessary in order to slow or arrest its progress. To accomplish this requires rigorously estimating the demand for deforestation. We contribute to this endeavor by estimating the effect of crop prices on the demand for conversion of land from forest to agriculture in the tropics during the 21st...
The present paper addresses the issue of sectoral policy coordination, especially when Pigovian carbon pricing is unavailable. It analyzes the optimal allocation of mitigation effort among two vertically connected sectors, an upstream (e.g. electricity) and a downstream (e.g. transportation) one.
Article publié dans la Revue d’Economie Industrielle La filière hydrogène est une alternative possible au moteur thermique, aux côtés des véhicules à batterie, dans la...
Many studies have investigated the carbon footprint of households. Here we open a new field by discussing the emissions that individuals enable by providing labor and capital to companies, using the framework of income-based (downstream) responsibility. Our results show that inequalities in emissions do not strongly interact with economic inequality. Yet they are gendered...
In this study, we analyse how access to electricity affects children’s well-being in Rwanda through the allocation of their time in the different activities of domestic production and their leisure time.
In its 2021 strategy review, the European Central Bank's Governing Council unanimously decided to make climate change one of its priorities for the coming years. In this article, we try to understand how this change was achieved.
Cet article analyse l’évolution historique du central banking afin d’éclairer les réflexions sur le rôle des Banques centrales face aux crises actuelles: financière, écologique, sanitaire.
La pollution numérique est à l’origine de 2,5% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre en France. Cet article vise à explorer les solutions de régulation possibles pour conduire les entreprises à prendre en compte l’impact environnemental du numérique et modifier leurs pratiques.
Developing countries are advancing towards universal energy access with high fertility rates and young population. Socio-demographic and economic evolutions will influence future energy consumption patterns. Herein, we use Mexico as a case study to estimate determinants of residential electricity consumption as well as the importance that a shift in generational preferences has on such...
Ce séminaire sera consacré aux enjeux de gouvernance d'entreprise en lien avec la transition écologique.