Climate policies are multi-faceted: along with carbon pricing, multiple targeted sectoral policies are now being launched. Carbon pricing is developing worldwide, notably via the implementation of markets for emission permits (like the ones operating in Europe and California-Québec). Complementary policies include R&D subsidies, production subsidies (for renewable energies, electric vehicles, etc.), technical standards (e.g., the CAFE standards in the US transportation sector), infrastructure deployment (such as the FCEV in the EU and California), and urban planning. These policies aim at facilitating the transition towards a low carbon economy. Yet, whether they enhance or hinder the efficiency of climate policy is debatable. Critics say they constitute inefficient additions, if not substitutes, to carbon pricing; proponents, on the other hand, argue that they are necessary to make climate policy effective in the long-run.
The objective of the workshop was to clarify the rationales for these additional policies, their overlap and interaction with carbon pricing, and the optimal design of a consistent and comprehensive climate policy.
Download the workshop’s programm (english) and the summary record (french)
Download the presentations (english) :
-Optimal subsidy for low-carbon investment under adverse selection – JP Ponssard
-Climate Policies Commitment Devices
-Driving restrictions: What we know and lessons for climate policy – JP Montero
-Climate Policy as a One-Way Ratchet with Complementary and Subnational Policies – D. Burtraw
-Renewables, Allowances Markets, and Capacity Expansion in Energy-Only Markets – L. Taschini
-Carbon-taxes and other instruments Complements or substitutes – D. Bureau
-Incentive policies for small PV in France
Organizing Committee :
– Anna Creti (Université Paris Dauphine, École Polytechnique Paris)
– Guy Meunier (INRA, École Polytechnique Paris)
– Jean-Pierre Ponssard (CNRS, École Polytechnique Paris)
– Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné (CIRANO, HEC Montréal)
Cet atelier s’est tenu à CIRANO – Montréal – Canada.
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