The Chair Energy and Prosperity is very pleased to invite you to attend its Annual Symposium, this year topic is the “Stern-Stiglitz Commission on Carbon Prices”.
The symposium is organized by the Chair Energy & Prosperity in cooperation with Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School, Institut Louis Bachelier and the World Bank. It is hosted by École Normale Supérieure.
The scientific committee : Gaël Giraud (AFD, Chair Energy and prosperity ), Cameron Hepburn (University of Oxford), Linus Mattauch (University of Oxford), Nicholas Stern (London School of Economics).
After the Paris Agreement on climate change, the focus of climate change mitigation policy is on the implementation of national targets and on increasing their ambition. Putting a price on carbon is widely recognized as the most efficient way to achieve cuts in emissions and a necessary condition for deep decarbonisation of national economies. Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate in Economics, and Lord Nicholas Stern, have agreed to chair a High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices that will make recommendations on implementing the Paris Agreement. The Commission has been established as part of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition with a secretariat at the World Bank. The Commission’s purpose is to guide the design of carbon pricing instruments in order to deliver on increasing the ambition of climate change mitigation policy.
The objective of the academic symposium is to discuss the economic rationality, political feasibility and public acceptability of carbon pricing in the context of national economic objectives and fiscal policy. A special emphasis is put on the potential of revenue recycling and instrument design as possibilities for generating political support for carbon prices. The contributions focus on policy implications, but are also grounded in state-of-the-art economic theory or empirical analysis.
Download here the detailed programme.
Place: Ecole Normale Supérieure – 45 rue d’Ulm – 75005 Paris (Salle Dussane).
Date: May 17 (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM followed by a cocktail)
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