Founded in 2015, the Energy and Prosperity Chair is a group of researchers whose work aims to inform public and private decision making around the ecological transition. Hosted by the Fondation du Risque at the Institut Louis Bachelier, the Chair develops knowledge products useful for guiding, designing and evaluating public policies, defining sustainable economic models, and suggesting regulatory and institutional frameworks to accompany ecological transition strategies.
The uniqueness of the Chair’s work lies in its cross-cutting approach, across four complementary research axes that aim to enable diverse actors to understand the ecological transition in a relevant and comprehensive manner.
Over 40 researchers contribute to the Energy and Prosperity Chair, as well as around a dozen doctoral and postdoctoral students from various academic institutions, whose work is published in international journals. The Chair organizes conferences, workshops, and seminars, often in coordination with its partners, to foster dialogue among academics and public and private decision makers.
The chair has the support of ADEME, the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Engie and Renault.
The work of the Chair is based on 4 research axis:
Participez à l’événement “Le rôle de la finance solidaire et de la finance à impact dans le financement de la transition : enjeux et limites“...