Le prochain séminaire de recherche la Chaire Énergie et Prospérité aura lieu Vendredi 09 février 2018 à l’Agence Française de Développement. Nous recevrons Paul Brockway (University of Leeds, UK) pour un exposé intitulé:
Access to cheap and widely available fossil fuels powered global economic growth for over 250 years. However, the last decade has seen a slowdown in the global economy – and people (governments, economists) are looking for answers. Labour productivity is seen as a prime candidate. But are we looking in the wrong place? This seminar presents recent research suggesting energetic constraints could be being reached. First, is a reduction in available or ‘net’ energy, – since extracting fossil fuels in harder-to-reach places requires more energy. Second, historical gains in energy efficiency – which have been a key engine of economic growth – are slowing down due to thermodynamic limits.
Date : 09 février 2018 de 15h à 17h
Lieu : AFD – 5 Rue Roland Barthes, 75012 Paris – Salle E05-100.
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