Land transportation for passengers and merchandises is one of the major sources of CO2 emissions worldwide. Emissions are barely declining in OCDE countries and...
Cet article propose une analyse comparative d’un fonds solidaire « 90-10 » recherchant principalement la performance financière (fonds « A ») et d’un fonds solidaire spécialisé (fonds « B »), privilégiant la création d’impacts positifs sans performance financière. Ces fonds combinent les notions d’impact et de solidarité de manière hybride : communication d’une part, pratiques de financement et de sélection d’autre...
Grass-based beef cattle production systems are generally perceived as beneficial to the environment. However, the climate impact of grass-based systems compared to systems based on energy-dense feeds remains controversial. The findings highlight potential trade-offs between climate goals and other sustainability objectives (e.g., biodiversity, animal welfare).
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