the primary motivation for this dissertation is to explore the concepts of social capital, relational capabilities, subjective well-being and development, and especially the linkages between them.
The development of new technologies to address the challenges of decarbonized mobility in cities, such as hybrid, battery or fuel cell technologies, suffer from...
Implementation of big innovative projects is often subject to big financing problems. On the one hand, the possibly profitable project can require an outstanding...
This thesis' goal is to study the influence of New Classical economists on macroeconomics in the 1970s, by appealing to an historiographical framework which puts at the heart the role played by the stagflation, and by confronting the results of this work to the standard narrative.
Phd Thesis – Florent Mc Isaac presented publicly on the 14th of December 2016 – Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne. Ever since the stagflation...
Alena Kotelnikova – Doctoral thesis presented on Oct. 3 2016 – Université Paris Saclay and Ecole Polytechnique. What economic and policy framework would foster...
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