Ariane Bousquet

Ariane is a PHD student in economics at the University of Evry (Paris-Saclay), under CIFRE contract with Renault. Her thesis deals with the evaluation of public policies for the energy transition in transport, with a particular attention on the used car market. After engineering training generalist (Centrale Supélec), she is following the master’s degree “Economie de l’Energie de l’Environnement et des Transport” (EEET). She is completing her master’s thesis within the Chair Energie et Prospérité, on the diffusion of small electric vehicles.

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Evaluating second-hand EVs subsidies Efficiency and Welfare Gains

The recent inclusion of second-hand EV subsidies in several countries raises questions about their economic rationale. Contrary to conventional thinking, we show that while subsidies for second-hand EVs are often justified on equity grounds, they also improve efficiency as they influence the equilibrium composition of the vehicle fleet.