The workshop will promote exchanges between research scientists with decision makers on the key issue of land transportation for mitigating climate change. Call for paper open untill June 30.
France Stratégie and the Chair Energy et Prosperity are teaming up to organize a workshop on the contribution of the financial system to the energy transition and climate stabilization. The
The Chair Energy and Prosperity will welcome Roger Guesnerie in it's seminar on Septembre 29th. His speach will be on the following subject : "Calcul économique : à propos de quelques débats concernant le risque et le développement durable"
The Chair Energy and Prosperity is partner of the International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance, annual meeting of the European Research Group on Money Banking and Finance.
Le séminaire "Modélisation de la transition écologique" vise à favoriser les échanges entre membres de la Chaire appartenant à des institutions différentes. Michael Ghils interviendra sur le sujet "Coupled Climate–Economics Modeling and Data Analysis: Endogenous Business Cycles and Fluctuation–Dissipation Theory"
The Chair Energy and Prosperity is very pleased to invite you to attend its Annual Symposium, this year topic is the "Stern-Stiglitz Commission on Carbon Prices".
Quand la finance s’intéresse aux risques financiers posés par le réchauffement climatique En septembre 2015, Mark Carney, gouverneur de la Banque d’Angleterre et Président...
Presentation by Ogutu Keroboto, on Friday the 16th of December about “a simple integrated assessment approach to global change simulation and evaluation”. Abstract. We...
Object of the conference “Social Determinants of Energy Access in Africa” Access to electric power is a major long-term challenge for developing countries. Africa...
Dans le cadre de son semestre thématique consacré au financement de la transition énergétique, la Chaire énergie et prospérité a organisé une seconde session...
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