Corporate disclosures related to climate risks are one of the ways to fight climate change by improving financial transparency for investors. An initial assessment, five years after the COP 21, of the climate disclosure practices of French companies (CAC 40) 2015–2019 will be presented by putting into perspective, on the one hand, the level of climate disclosure in relation to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, and on the other hand, the performance of these firms in terms of their climate commitment. To do so, we use two indicators: the Climate Risks and Opportunities Index (CRORI) and the CDP climate score. Our results reveal a parallel improvement of these indices with different sectoral disparities over the whole of the period. A dynamic analysis of these two indicators shows that the firms adopted different paths: 70 percent of the firms followed a path oriented towards both transparency and a positive climate commitment marked by a more or less strong improvement of both the CRORI and the CDP score. While these results are encouraging, they need to be put into perspective because these firms are still far from being carbon neutral.
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