Le vendredi 23 juin 2023, la Chaire Énergie et Prospérité organisait un séminaire consacré au thème de l’(in)efficience, des marchés financiers face à la transition écologique, dans ses dimensions informationnelle et allocationnelle.
The objective of the conference was to improve our understanding of the interaction between climate and innovation policies in this multi-layer governance landscape by bringing together scholars in economics working on innovation policies, multilateral agreements, and sectoral climate policies.
Download the presentations by the participants of the international conference on mobility challenges, organized on December 9 and 10, 2021, by the Energy and Prosperity Chair, in partnership with the Armand Peugeot Chair and the Climate Economics Chair.
You can download here the speakers presentations and the report of the panel session.
Download the report of the workshop organised by the Chair Energy and Prosperity
Find the program and the report of the international conference "Energy to Empower Emerging Africa" held in Morocco on 5 and 6 March 2020.
Find all the sessions of the research Seminar of the Chair Energy and Prosperity and the documents sent on this occasion.
The Chair Energy and Prosperity Organized its thirs Workshop on Sustainable Mobility on November 9-10. You can download in this article the workshop's summary and all the speakers' presentations.
Download all the material that has been produced during the Symposium for the High Level commission on Carbon prices (17 May 2017).
Participez à l’événement “Le rôle de la finance solidaire et de la finance à impact dans le financement de la transition : enjeux et limites“...