Find the program and the report of the international conference “Energy to Empower Emerging Africa” held in Morocco on 5 and 6 March 2020.
Energy is central to nearly all major socio-economic challenges faced by developing and emerging countries, particularly in Sub-Sahara Africa. With more than 60% of the population lacking access to modern form of energy, of which 80% in rural areas, limited and unreliable access is a major threat to the sub-continent overall growth prospects. Sustaining noticeable current socio-economic progress, energy demand is expected to rise at an unprecedented pace calling for a landmark increase in generation, transformation, transportation and access capacity. Against this background, innovative economic, technological, organizational and regulatory solutions open opportunities to embark in a novel energy-development paradigm.
In March 2020, the Energy and Prosperity Chair organized with the Climate Economics Chair and the Industrial Economics of Emerging Africa Chair a two-day symposium in Morocco to address these issues. Researchers, energy experts, and policy makers from public, private, and civil society are invited to expose their view and analysis on current potentials, new windows of opportunities and discuss policy options informed from current cutting-edge research.
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