Publications of the Chair

Coordination of sectoral climate policies and life-cycle emissions

Authors :
Quentin Hoarau and Guy Meunier

The present paper addresses the issue of sectoral policy coordination, especially when Pigovian carbon pricing is unavailable. It analyzes the optimal allocation of mitigation effort among two vertically connected sectors, an upstream (e.g. electricity) and a downstream (e.g. transportation) one.

Quantifying GHG emissions enabled by capital and labor: Economic and gender inequalities in France

Authors :
Antonin Pottier, Gaëlle Le Treut

Many studies have investigated the carbon footprint of households. Here we open a new field by discussing the emissions that individuals enable by providing labor and capital to companies, using the framework of income-based (downstream) responsibility. Our results show that inequalities in emissions do not strongly interact with economic inequality. Yet they are gendered...

Over-allocation profits and competition issues in the steel industry

Authors :
Maria-Eugenia Sanin, Sylvain Sourisseau

Sectors that are considered to be subject to international competition under the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) still benefit from free allocation of European Allowances (EUAs). Herein we study one of those beneficiaries: the crude steel industry. Our findings suggest the EU-ETS has failed to provide incentives for decarbonization in this sector.

Access to electricity and children well-being: new evidence from Rwanda

Authors :
Lucien Vignawou Ahouangbe, Ahmed Tritah

In this study, we analyse how access to electricity affects children’s well-being in Rwanda through the allocation of their time in the different activities of domestic production and their leisure time.

Too green to be true? Forging a climate consensus at the European Central Bank

Authors :
Jérôme Deyris

In its 2021 strategy review, the European Central Bank's Governing Council unanimously decided to make climate change one of its priorities for the coming years. In this article, we try to understand how this change was achieved.

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Energy practices and population cohorts: the case of Mexico

Authors :
Rossella Bardazzi, Maria Grazia Pazienza, Maria Eugenia Sanin

Developing countries are advancing towards universal energy access with high fertility rates and young population. Socio-demographic and economic evolutions will influence future energy consumption patterns. Herein, we use Mexico as a case study to estimate determinants of residential electricity consumption as well as the importance that a shift in generational preferences has on such...

Assessing the regional redistributive effect of renewable power production through a spot market algorithm simulator: the case of Italy

Authors :
Silvia Concettini, Anna Creti, Stanislao Gualdi

We develop an algorithm called M.I.D.A.S. (Italian Day-Ahead Market Solver) that simulates by iterative splitting the hourly equilibrium (price-quantity) of the Italian day-ahead market taking into account all transmission constraints between zones and the import from neighbouring countries. The algorithm is employed to study the sensitivity of equilibria to changes in production from units employing variable renewable sources, notably...

Profitability and Revenue Uncertainty of Wind Farms in Western Europe in Present and Future Climate

Authors :
Silvia Concettini, Bastien Alonzo, Anna Creti, Philippe Drobinski, Peter Tankov

Article published in Energies 2022, 15. Investments into wind generation may be hampered by revenues uncertainty caused by the natural variability of the resource, the...  

Biodiversity loss and climate change interactions: financial stability implications for central banks and financial supervisors

Authors :
Katie Kedward, Josh Ryan-Collins, and Hugues Chenet

In this paper, we examine how central banks and financial supervisors are approaching the topic of BRFR in relation to climate-related financial risk. We argue that policymakers should focus upon the broader concept of systemic environmental-financial risks to account for the interactions and trade-offs between both domains of biodiversity and climate change.

Hotelling and Recycling

Authors :
Bocar Samba Ba, Raphael Soubeyran

This article studies the exploitation of recyclable exhaustible resources such as metals that are crucial for the energy transition or phosphorus that is crucial for agricultural production. We use a standard Hotelling model of resource exploitation that includes a primary sector and a recycling sector.