Publications of the Chair

Electrification and Deforestation in Côte d’Ivoire: a spatial econometric analysis

Authors :
Alpha Ly, Raja Chakir, Anna Creti

Read the full thesis "Electrification, environnement et développement économique dans les pays en développement"

The Capitalocene in light of history: Or why an early Anthropocene makes more sense

Authors :
Victor Court

Several researchers argue that the root cause of today’s ecological disaster is not the anthropos, but the way we have been organizing the global economy through capitalism. It follows that we would be living in the Capitalocene rather than the Anthropocene. In this article, we demonstrate that the Capitalocene concept suffers from four intrinsic flaws

Social Preferences and the Distribution of Rewards

Authors :
Raphael Soubeyran, Nicolas Quérou, Mamadou Gueye

This paper analyzes the optimal reward scheme in an organization involving agents with social preferences whose tasks are complementary.

Conventional and unconventional economic policies in an econometric SFC model of the French economy

Authors :
Jacques Mazier, Luis Reyes

A first version of an econometric SFC model of the French economy based on the accumulation accounts from INSEE and on the financial accounts of the Bank of France has been presented (Mazier and Reyes, 2022). It provides the overall structure, the main equations and the basic properties of the model. This paper is...

Unconventional monetary policy in an econometric SFC model of the French economy: some lessons for financing the low carbon transition

Authors :
Jacques Mazier, Luis Reyes

An econometric SFC model of the French economy is presented. The structure of the model is analogous to that of already existing national-level SFC models. The dynamic
simulations on the past over the period 1996-2019 provide acceptable results. In a second part the effects of unconventional monetary policy are evaluated such as the distribution of
helicopter money in...

Do French firms follow a transparent or climate-friendly path?

Authors :
Jeanne Amar, Samira Demaria, Sandra Rigot

Corporate disclosures related to climate risks are one of the ways to fight climate change by improving financial transparency for investors. An initial assessment, five years after the COP 21, of the climate disclosure practices of French companies (CAC 40) 2015-2019 will be presented. While the results are encouraging, they need to be put into...

Heterogenous effects of rural electrification on child labor in Nigeria

Authors :
Claire Salmon and Jeremy Tanguy

This paper investigate in particular how child labor varies depending on the nature of electricity supply and the electrical appliances used in the household. We find that the employment probability of children from electrified households is lower than that of children living in non-electrified households only when the household combines grid access and a generator as...

Green bond: the emperor wears no clothes

Authors :
Ivar Ekeland, Julien Lefournier

This article demonstrates that the green bond cannot constitute an incentive to carry out a green project.

From words to deeds? Climate change and the European Central Bank

Authors :
Jérôme Deyris, Tanguy Bonnet

Using textual analysis methods, we study how the topic of climate change has appeared and evolved in the speeches of the ECB's Executive Board members since 1997.

Why finance professionals hold green and brown assets? A lab-in-the-field experiment

Authors :
Adrien Nguyen-Huu, Sébastien Duchêne, Dimitri Dubois, Marc Willinger

We assess the impact of environmental externalities on portfolio decisions in a lab-inthe-field experiment on finance professionals and students. Subjects show pro-environmental preferences, with...