Publications of the Chair

Behavioural perspectives for post-pandemic environmental policy

Authors :
Guy Meunier and Ingmar Schumacher

In this article we use the recent Covid-19 crisis to investigate what motivates individuals in their decisions to deal with two externalities, namely disease transmission, in particular social distancing, and the willingness to undertake green expenditure.

Quantifying the potentials of transport CO2 emissions reductions through prospective scenarios analysis

Authors :
Aurélien Bigo

This study compares and quantifies the potentials of 5 drivers of transport CO2 emissions reductions within French prospective scenarios by 2050.

Is Ethnic Diversity a Tragedy for Public good Provision in Africa?

Authors :
Gwen-Jiro Clochard and Guillaume Hollard

Pioneer investigations of the economic consequences of ethnic diversity – a ubiquitous feature of African societies – found a strong and negative correlation. The...  

How to explain the past trends in transport CO2 emissions in France (1960-2017)?

Authors :
Aurélien Bigo

This paper analyses the drivers of French transport CO2 emissions over the period 1960-2017. A decomposition analysis is used to evaluate the relative contribution of five key drivers of passenger and freight transports emissions: transport demand, modal shift, vehicle load factor, energy efficiency and carbon intensity of the energy.

A new measure of environmental reporting practice based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

Authors :
Samira Demaria, Sylvain Borie, Sandra Rigot

Based on content analysis of firms’ reference documents over 2015-2017, this article examines CAC 40 firms’ compliance with the recommendations of TCFD by building a new index to measure the disclosure of environmental information.

Climate Change and Financial Risk

Authors :
Hugues Chenet

This paper is an introduction to climate change risk for the financial sector (banks and investors). It aims to provide financial professionals, researchers and policymakers in the area of banking and investment with a snapshot of the current state of the art and guidance on the relevant literature to go further. 

Energy, knowledge, and demo-economic development in the long run: a unified growth model

Authors :
Emmanuel Bovari, Victor Court

This article provides a knowledge-based and energy-centred unified growth model of the transition from limited to sustained economic growth.

Hicksian Traverse Revisited: Conditions for the Energy Transition

Authors :
Adrien Nguyen-Huu, Antonin Pottier

This article analyzes the transition dynamics, what Hicks called the traverse, from one equilibrium toward another one—and the conditions for such a transfer—in a bi-sectoral economy under technological shocks.

Foreign Demand and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Empirical Evidence with Implications for Leakage

Authors :
Geoffrey Barrows and Hélène Ollivier

In this paper, we estimate for the first time how production and emissions of manufacturing firms in one country respond to foreign demand shocks in trading partner markets.

Why conditional subsidies for risky innovative green projects should be prefered to flat subsidies

Authors :
Guy Meunier, Jean-Pierre Ponssard

This paper analyzes the potential benefit of using subsidies conditional on success or failure of an R&D program, rather than a flat subsidy.