Publications of the Chair

Mobility solutions for the energy transition – Cahier de l’Institut Louis Bachelier

Authors :
Cahier de l'ILB realised with Jean-Pierre Ponssard

Realised with Jean-Pierre Ponssard, this "Cahier de l'ILB" is dedicated to sustainable mobility. It deals with various subjects : how driving restrictions affect urban pollution, carbon footprint of motor vehicles in the United States, hydrogen vehicles, the importance of strong regulation to reap the full benefits of innovation in mobility.

The importance of considering optimal government policy when social norms matter for the private provision of public goods

Authors :
Guy Meunier, Ingmar Schumacher

Social pressure can help overcome the free rider problem associated with public good provision. In the social norms literature concerned with the private provision of public goods there seems to be an implicit belief that it is best to have all agents adhere to the ‘good’ social norm. We challenge this view and study...

Coupled Climate–Economy–Biosphere (CoCEB) model – Part 2: Combining deforestation control with carbon capture and storage technologies

Authors :
Keroboto B. Z. Ogutu , Fabio D’Andrea, Michael Ghil

This study uses the global climate–economy–biosphere (CoCEB) model formulated in Part 1 to investigate economic aspects of deforestation control and carbon sequestration in forests, as well as the efficiency of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies as policy measures for climate change mitigation.

Stopping Behaviors of Naïve and Non-Committed Sophisticated Agents when They Distort Probability

Authors :
Yu-Jui Huang, Adrien Nguyen-Huu, Xun Yu Zhou

We consider the problem of stopping a diffusion process with a payoff functional involving probability distortion. We study stopping decisions of naïve agents who reoptimize continuously in time, as well as equilibrium strategies of sophisticated agents who anticipate but lack control over their future selves’ behaviors.

Defining the Abatement Cost in Presence of Learning-by-doing: Application to the Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle.

Authors :
Anna Créti, Alena Kotelnikova, Guy Meunier, Jean-Pierre Ponssard.

Article published in Environmental and Resource Economics – September 2017 Abstract. We consider a partial equilibrium model to study the optimal phasing out of...  

Synchronization of world economic activity

Authors :
Andreas Groth, Michael Ghil.

Common dynamical properties of business cycle fluctuations are studied in a sample of more than 100 countries that represent economic regions from all around the world.

Coupled Climate–Economy–Biosphere (CoCEB) model – Part 1: Abatement efficacy of low-carbon technologies

Authors :
Keroboto B. Z. Ogutu, Fabio D'Andrea, Michael Ghil, Charles Nyandwi

The CoCEB model is used to evaluate hypotheses on the long-term effect of investment in emission abatement, and on the comparative efficacy of different approaches to abatement. While many studies in the literature treat abatement costs as an unproductive loss of income, we show that mitigation costs do slow down economic growth over the...

The Impact of Randomness on the Distribution of Wealth: Some Economic Aspects of the Wright-Fisher Diffusion Process

Authors :
Nicolas Bouleau, Christophe Chorro

Article published in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (August 2017). Abstract. In this paper we consider some elementary and fair zero-sum games...  

Relational Capabilities and Subjective Well-Being: Influence of Exclusion and Ethnic Polarization

Authors :
Rakesh Gupta N.R.

This paper presents novel approach about ethnic polarization in a country and extends its relevance beyond social conflict and civil wars to subjective well-being (SWB) and relational capabilities construct.

Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement

Authors :
Gaël Giraud, Rakesh Gupta N. R.

This paper presents a family of multidimensional poverty indexes that measure poverty as a function of the extent and the intensity of poverty.