This thesis mainly contributes to the literature on the circular economy by providing a strategic vision of the process of securing secondary resources in circular projects. The thesis also has managerial implications by offering insights into the governance mechanisms, territorial dynamics, and market arrangements that underpin successful circular economy initiatives.
This thesis highlights the complex relationships between electrification, deforestation, and economic development in developing countries.
This PhD thesis focuses on a recent and rapidly spreading, but highly diverse phenomenon: the integration of climate and environemntal issues by central bankers. To do so, the author draws from different approaches in order to understand what drives (some) central banks to embrace this issue, why they do so and...
Les pays africains aspirent à un développement industriel pour diversifier leurs exportations, actuellement concentrées en ressources naturelles. Cependant, l'électrification et le renforcement de la compétitivité des entreprises nationales restent un défi lorsqu'elles font face à la concurrence des importations, notamment celle chinoise.
Experimental economics offers the possibility to study the behavior of economic agents in ideal conditions, as it allows for the complete control of the environment of participants. This thesis presents results from several field experiments, as well as their contributions to the literature.
The aim of this work was to develop a robust transition model that should be able to provide information on public policies to avoid either an attractive equilibrium with fossil fuel-intensive capital only, or a collapse due to a climate-induced Minsky moment
Achieving the energy shift requires an evolution of the structural and financial structures to develop, finance, and deploy low-carbon assets. Based on a historical and prospective approach, this PhD thesis develops four essays devoted to an analysis of the viability of the energy shift within the framework of a structural approach.
The focus of this thesis is the French renewable energy crowdfunding sector because it has experienced a strong growth in the context of a favorable regulatory environment. I conduct a case study of a French crowdfunding platform specialized in renewable energy projects to better understand its business model and the risks associated with it.
This report uses the cost-benefit analysis framework to assess the economic efficiency of the Zero Emission Valley, both from the private and public perspectives, compared to a diesel mobility status quo scenario.
This dissertation offers a transdisciplinary modeling approach to feed the debates raised by the long-run availability of mineral materials. It investigates the plausibility of a depletion threat posed to key metal resources within the current century.
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