Publications of the Chair

Who emits CO2? Landscape of ecological inequalities in France from a critical perspective

Authors :
Antonin Pottier, Emmanuel Combet, Jean-Michel Cayla, Simona de Lauretis, and Franck Nadaud

This article provides a panorama of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inequalities between French households. It presents in a detailed and critical manner the methodological...  

A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Renewable Energy Crowdfunding : An Assessment and Policy Proposals

Authors :
Sandra Rigot, Cécile Cézanne, Laurence Saglietto

This paper tries to fill this gap of research on the significance and evolution of renewable energy crowdfunding by providing a bibliometric analysis of academic work on renewable energy crowdfunding.

Finance, climate-change and radical uncertainty: Towards a precautionary approach to financial policy

Authors :
Hugues Chenet, Josh Ryan-Collins, Frank van Lerven

The article presents a ‘precautionary’ financial policy approach to deal with Climate-related financial risks instead of the current framework which largely focuses on market-based solutions

Energy efficiency and economy-wide rebound effects: A review of the evidence and its implications

Authors :
Paul E. Brockway, Steve Sorrell, Gregor Semieniuk, Matthew Kuperus Heun, Victor Court,

This paper explores in which proportion the economy-wide rebound could erode expected energy savings from improved energy efficiency.

Relocation in presence of polluting and heterogeneous technologies

Authors :
Julie Ing and Jean-Philippe Nicolaï

This paper demonstrates that the offshoring of a dirty firm as compared to the offshoring of a clean firm is worse for the environment, better for northern consumers, and better for the domestic profits. The results are reversed in case of reshoring.

Showing off cleaner hands: mandatory climate-related disclosure by financial institutions and the financing of fossil energy

Authors :
Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier and Benoît Nguyen

We investigate the real effects of mandatory climate-related disclosure by financial institutions on the funding of carbon-intensive industries.

Thèse – Economic growth, energy use and climate change : a historical and prospective approach

Authors :
Emmanuel Bovari

Achieving the energy shift requires an evolution of the structural and financial structures to develop, finance, and deploy low-carbon assets. Based on a historical and prospective approach, this PhD thesis develops four essays devoted to an analysis of the viability of the energy shift within the framework of a structural approach.

Thèse – Déploiement des énergies renouvelables : déterminants globaux et financement participatif en france

Authors :
Clémence Bourcet

The focus of this thesis is the French renewable energy crowdfunding sector because it has experienced a strong growth in the context of a favorable regulatory environment. I conduct a case study of a French crowdfunding platform specialized in renewable energy projects to better understand its business model and the risks associated with it.

How can strategy reformulation and CSR initiatives converge? The case of BOP

Authors :
Thomas André, Nicolas Mottis, Jean-Pierre Ponssard

This paper investigates a case in which, on paper, the green lights were everywhere. Yet after more than 10 years of existence, the program remains in a stalemate status.The paper identifies three main organiszational barriers.

Economic impacts of a glacial period: a thought experiment to assess the disconnect between econometrics and climate sciences

Authors :
Gaël Giraud, Marie-Noëlle Woillez, and Antoine Godin

After discussing the weaknesses of the aggregated statistical approach to estimate economic damage, we conclude that, if these functions cannot reasonably be trusted for such a large cooling, they should not be considered to provide relevant information on potential damage in the case of a warming of similar magnitude, as projected in the case...