Publications of the Chair

Hotelling and Recycling

Authors :
Bocar Samba Ba, Raphael Soubeyran

This article studies the exploitation of recyclable exhaustible resources such as metals that are crucial for the energy transition or phosphorus that is crucial for agricultural production. We use a standard Hotelling model of resource exploitation that includes a primary sector and a recycling sector.


What is Disappearing: Considerations about the Species, the Ecological Crisis and the Crisis in Culture

Authors :
Hadrien Lantremange

While the ecological crisis is usually presented as a confrontation between mankind and nature, there remains a third term that it is imperative to keep in mind: technology. Technology appears as made up of two fronts, which must be considered jointly: mediation with nature, and mediation with man himself.

Shaky foundations: Central bank independence in the 21st century

Authors :
Jérôme Deyris, Gaëtan Le Quang et Laurence Scialom

Central bank independence (CBI) has often been presented as a superior institutional arrangement demonstrated by economists in the 1980s for achieving a common good in a non-partisan manner. In this article, we argue that this view must be challenged.

Winners and Losers of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Excess Profits Tax Proposal

Authors :
Céline Azémar, Rodolphe Desbordes, Paolo Melindi-Ghidi, Jean-Philippe Nicolaï

This paper studies the gains and losses incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. A comparison between the gains and losses triggered by both the pandemic and the lockdown indicates that an excess profits tax imposed on the ‘winners’ could partly compensate the ‘losers’ of the same sector.

Credit Risk Sensitivity to Carbon Price

Authors :
Vincent Bouchet and Theo Le Guenedal

Based on the 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scenarios, this article studies the credit risk sensitivity of 795 international companies to carbon prices.

Enhancing financial transparency to mitigate climate change: Towards a Climate Risks and Opportunities Reporting Index

Authors :
Jeanne Amar, Samira Demaria, Sandra Rigot

Using the IPCC (2018) medium (2024) and long-term (2060) scenarios, this study analyzes the credit risk sensitivity of 763 international companies.

Macro-dynamics of the energy transition : robustness, money velocity and public policies

Authors :
Edouard Dossetto

The aim of this work was to develop a robust transition model that should be able to provide information on public policies to avoid either an attractive equilibrium with fossil fuel-intensive capital only, or a collapse due to a climate-induced Minsky moment

Financing green mobility Is it enough and where does it go?

Authors :
Jean-Pierre Ponssard

On Dec 9-10, 2021, the annual International Conference on Mobility Challenges provided an outstanding opportunity to bring together researchers, industry experts and policy makers to discuss these issues. This note gives a summary of the debate.

Why local initiatives for the energy transition should coordinate. The case of cities for fuel cell buses in Europe

Authors :
Guy Meunier, Lucie Moulin, Jean-Pierre Ponssard

Article accepted in the Revue d’Economie Industrielle Hydrogen is a possible alternative to the internal combustion engine, alongside battery-powered vehicles, in the context of reducing greenhouse...  

The climate consistency goal and the transformation of global finance

Authors :
Luis H. Zamarioli, Pieter Pauw, Michael König and Hugues Chenet

In this article, we build on four methods to show that Art. 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement comprises a new meaning of ‘finance’ under the United Nations negotiations. Implementation of Art. 2.1(c) requires engagement by governments and non-state actors, including the financial sector.