In Europe the transport sector contributes about 25% of total GHG emissions, 75% of which come from road transport. Contrarily to industrial emissions road...
Impact investments are emerging as a new asset class of social finance, sometimes driven by multinational enterprises as part of their strategic corporate social...
Impact investments are emerging as a new asset class of social finance. The article is based on on a three year action-research program conducted with Schneider Electric. It analyzes the perceptions of the Schneider Electric impact investing fund’s managers’ regarding emerging societal performance management procedures they were urged to adopt.
Abstract. The standard history of macroeconomics considers Lucas (1976)– “the Lucas Critique” –as a path-breaking innovation for the discipline. According to this view Lucas’s...
The effects of oil shocks in inflation and growth have been widely discussed in the literature, however few have focused on the impact of...
The recent literature on fossil energy has already stated that oil is not perfectly substitutable to other inputs, considering fossil fuel as a critical...
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