Using an empirical stock-flow consistent (SFC) model for the French economy, we simulate an imported inflationary shock to emulate the current inflation situation and analyze the resulting macroeconomic impacts on the French economy. Two possible responses are considered: increased wage per capita so as to preserve workers’ purchasing power, increased margins by firms in order to restore their profit share.
The failure of market mechanisms to respect the carbon budget, to assess climate-based financial risks, and to reallocate financial flows on a more sustainable greenhouse gas emission pathway call for strong public interventions and for a strong involvement of both central banks and regulators in the structural change of finance.
This article analyses the integration of climate issues into corporate governance. Based on data from the 2019 CDP survey, it shows that FTSE100, HDAX, and SBF120 companies use similar control and incentive mechanisms to ensure the transparency of climate information, despite some specificities related to their legal and institutional environments. The paper identifies some shortcomings and makes recommendations to overcome them.
This paper reviews the evidence from the recent literature regarding the impact of electricity on rural households. The authors' reading of the currently available evidence suggests that while access to electricity is necessary to support local economic development and stimulate a more inclusive labor market, it is however not sufficient.
Ce séminaire vise à mettre en perspective les pratiques dites de management climat des entreprises, en se focalisant en particulier sur le rôle des normes de durabilité comme levier de décarbonation des entreprises.
Electric batteries and fuel cells (hydrogen) are competing technologies for the energy transition in heavy transportation. This paper shows that the existence of a market niche for fuel-cell electric buses (FCEBs) can be obtained depending on the values of a limited set of key parameters.
Several European governments implemented a generalized gasoline subsidy in the face of inflation following the Ukrainian crisis. In contrast, reducing fossil fuel consumption is crucial to mitigate the current energy and climate crises. Fuel consumption for transport increases with income, making rich households the main beneficiaries of generalized subsidies. In this context, a thorough investigation of the nature of vulnerability to rising gasoline prices is needed to formulate targeted policies.
This PhD thesis focuses on a recent and rapidly spreading, but highly diverse phenomenon: the integration of climate and environemntal issues by central bankers. To do so, the author draws from different approaches in order to understand what drives (some) central banks to embrace this issue, why they do so and how.
Un modèle économétrique SFC de l'économie française est présenté pour étudier les effets des politiques monétaires non-conventionnelles et l'impact d'une version simple de la monnaie électronique banque centrale. Différentes formes de politiques monétaires non conventionnelles sont évaluées.
This paper examines the contribution of SFC modelling to the definition of a green policy mix that would facilitate the implementation of a climate transition policy.
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