Research Fellows

A practical approach for curbing congestion and air pollution: Driving restrictions with toll and vintage exemptions

Article published in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Congestion and local air pollution continue to be a serious problem in many cities around...  

Who emits CO2? Landscape of ecological inequalities in France from a critical perspective

This article provides a panorama of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inequalities between French households. It presents in a detailed and critical manner the methodological...  

A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Renewable Energy Crowdfunding : An Assessment and Policy Proposals

This paper tries to fill this gap of research on the significance and evolution of renewable energy crowdfunding by providing a bibliometric analysis of academic work on renewable energy crowdfunding.

Finance, climate-change and radical uncertainty: Towards a precautionary approach to financial policy

The article presents a ‘precautionary’ financial policy approach to deal with Climate-related financial risks instead of the current framework which largely focuses on market-based solutions

Energy efficiency and economy-wide rebound effects: A review of the evidence and its implications

This paper explores in which proportion the economy-wide rebound could erode expected energy savings from improved energy efficiency.

Relocation in presence of polluting and heterogeneous technologies

This paper demonstrates that the offshoring of a dirty firm as compared to the offshoring of a clean firm is worse for the environment, better for northern consumers, and better for the domestic profits. The results are reversed in case of reshoring.

Showing off cleaner hands: mandatory climate-related disclosure by financial institutions and the financing of fossil energy

We investigate the real effects of mandatory climate-related disclosure by financial institutions on the funding of carbon-intensive industries.

International Conference on Mobility Challenges – Presentations and event report

You can download here the speakers presentations and the report of the panel session.

Thèse – Economic growth, energy use and climate change : a historical and prospective approach

Achieving the energy shift requires an evolution of the structural and financial structures to develop, finance, and deploy low-carbon assets. Based on a historical and prospective approach, this PhD thesis develops four essays devoted to an analysis of the viability of the energy shift within the framework of a structural approach.

Thèse – Déploiement des énergies renouvelables : déterminants globaux et financement participatif en france

The focus of this thesis is the French renewable energy crowdfunding sector because it has experienced a strong growth in the context of a favorable regulatory environment. I conduct a case study of a French crowdfunding platform specialized in renewable energy projects to better understand its business model and the risks associated with it.