Workshop Extending the boundaries of environmental assessments: coupling Life Cycle Assessment with economic modelling

10 mai 2021 to 10 mai 2021 9h - 13h

Several methods are used to assess the environmental impacts of goods and services beyond the impacts generated by their use, most notably Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). These assessments fuel the public debate about the desirability of some ”green goods” and influence environmental policies, by providing information to consumers (e.g. food labeling) or to help designing eco-efficient subsidies (e.g. bioenergies, electric vehicles). In this context, several important questions arise as to which method to use for which policy question and how to do it. In particular, current “hot topics” include the question of the definition of the system boundaries to account for feedbacks in the economic system, the inclusion of storage and de-storage of biogenic carbon in ecosystems during the production of biomass or the environmental impacts of changes in land use into account.

This workshop aims to gather researchers, industry experts, and policy makers from public, private, and civil society to expose their views and analysis on current issues and potential pitfalls of environmental assessmentss, and the questions raised by the extension of the boundaries of the systems.

Click here for registration

Program (Indicative titles of presentations)

9H-11H15 – Economic modeling and LCA

Chairman Sylvain Caurla (INRAE-BETA)

  • Ariane Albers (INSA Toulouse) — Integration of carbon dynamics within LCA
  • Thomas BEAUSSIER (Mines Paristech) — Coupling of economic model and LCA
  • Aude Valade (CIRAD-Eco&Sol) — Wood products and carbon substitution
  • Patrice Dumas (CIRAD-CIRED) — Carbon opportunity cost/land use

11h15-11H30 break
11H30 -13H00 – Technology choices and LCA

Chairman Guy Meunier (INRAE-ALISS)

  • Jean Pierre Ponssard (CNRS – Chaire EP) — Abatement costs and counterfactual
  • Jan Mertens (ENGIE) — Why LCA @ENGIE?
  • Miriam Buitrago (ADEME) — Carbon, wood & forest at ADEME

General information

Coordinators: Sylvain Caurla (INRAE-BETA) and Guy Meunier (INRAE-ALISS)

May 10 2021 9h-13h

Online workshop