The Chair Energy and Prosperity Chair is organizing on Decembre 14, an international webconference on mobility challenges in partnership with the Chair Armand Peugeot Chair and Climate Economics Chair.
Coordinators: Marc Baudry (Paris Nanterre University), Silvia Concettini (Tours University), Anna Creti (Paris Dauphine University), Jan Lepoutre (ESSEC), Guy Meunier (INRAE), Marc Petit (CentraleSupélec), Yannick Perez (CentraleSupélec), Jean-Pierre Ponssard (École Polytechnique
Scope of the conference
The restrictions put in place to limit the diffusion of Covid-19 have had an unprecedent impact on all forms of transport, from cars and public transport in cities, to buses, trains and planes, both at national and international levels. Two interdependent key questions need be addressed: is the sector facing permanent shifts and how the crisis can be exploited to favor the transition toward a more sustainable mobility.
Researchers, industry experts, and policy makers from public, private, and civil society are invited to expose their view and analysis on current potentials, new windows of opportunities and discuss policy options based on cutting-edge research.
Download the Conference’s program
To register, please click here. Registered participants will receive the link to access the Conference.
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