Land transportation for passengers and merchandises is one of the major sources of CO2 emissions worldwide and urban toxic particles (NOx, fine particles…). Emissions are barely declining in OCDE countries and bound to grow in emerging countries due to the increase in standards of living and urbanization. This situation creates an important challenge for the mitigation of climate change and the preservation of human health: new technologies have been launched, a set of complementary policies has been designed both national and local, and consuming habits are changing.
Coordinators: Jean-Pierre Ponssard (Chair Energy and Prosperity) and Yannick Perez (Chair Armand Peugeot)
Thursday 6 December Plenary Sessions
Lunch Break: 12h30-14h00
18h15: cocktail and Conference diner in At Home
Friday 7 December Parallel Sessions
From 9h-10h30
From 11h-12h30
The conference is jointly organized by the Chair Energy and Prosperity and the Chair Armand Peugeot
Timing : December 6-7 2018
Location : Ecole CentraleSupélec Université Paris Saclay
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