The workshop aimed to identify the key uncertainties and debates regarding the role of bioenergy in a climate neutral economy, at national and global scales, and the challenges for the design of climate policies.
The Chaire Energy and Prosperity, E4C, and CLAND organized jointly an online workshop, on Friday November 10, 2023, on Climate policy, Bioenergy and Land-use.
Bioenergy will likely play a role in a climate neutral economy either in the power sector or, downstream, to decarbonize sectors difficult to electrify (air and marine transportation, trucks, some industries). However, Bioenergy is controversial because of competing land uses, most notably for food production and natural carbon sink. The production of dedicated energy crops may entail a large carbon opportunity cost, resulting in an unclear carbon balance. In the absence of an exhaustive pricing of carbon emissions, such as a tax on emissions and payment for sequestration, the design of bioenergy support schemes is a complex endeavour that requires careful consideration.
The workshop aimed to identify the key uncertainties and debates regarding the role of bioenergy in a climate neutral economy, at national and global scales, and the challenges for the design of climate policies.
The workshop gathered researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to expose their views and
analysis on current issues regarding bioenergy regulation.
Coordinators: Guy Meunier (PSAE), Thierry Brunelle (CIRAD), Nandeeta Neerunjun (GAEL)
14h-14h10 : Welcome address
14h10 – 15h10: Scenarios of bioenergy production to mitigate climate change
15h10-15h30: Break
15h30 – 16h30: Bioenergy from forest, sink or source
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