Research Fellows

Master thesis – Cities coordination for a decarbonized mobility Application for the deployment of fuel cell electric buses

The development of new technologies to address the challenges of decarbonized mobility in cities, such as hybrid, battery or fuel cell technologies, suffer from...  

Master thesis – The design of innovation policy for the energetic transition

Implementation of big innovative projects is often subject to big financing problems. On the one hand, the possibly profitable project can require an outstanding...  

Power for empowerment: the impact of electricity on women and children in Subsahara Africa

Is electricity a vehicle of children and women empowerment in poor rural areas of the developing world? In this paper we approach the question...  

A new measure of environmental reporting practice based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

Based on content analysis of firms’ reference documents over 2015-2017, this article examines CAC 40 firms’ compliance with the recommendations of TCFD by building a new index to measure the disclosure of environmental information.

Land-sparing vs Land-sharing with incomplete policies

This article analyzes the trade-off between yield and farmed area when a valuable species is affected by agricultural practices.

Climate Change and Financial Risk

This paper is an introduction to climate change risk for the financial sector (banks and investors). It aims to provide financial professionals, researchers and policymakers in the area of banking and investment with a snapshot of the current state of the art and guidance on the relevant literature to go further. 

Energy, knowledge, and demo-economic development in the long run: a unified growth model

Macro-economical and societal challengesPublicationsResearch areaResearch FellowsVictor CourtWorking papersComments Off on Energy, knowledge, and demo-economic development in the long run: a unified growth model

This article provides a knowledge-based and energy-centred unified growth model of the transition from limited to sustained economic growth.

Calibration of agent-based models with a black-box optimization approach par Jean-Daniel Kant

Macro-economical and societal challengesResearch areaResearch FellowsComments Off on Calibration of agent-based models with a black-box optimization approach par Jean-Daniel Kant

Speach from Jean-Daniel KANT (Sorbonne Université Sciences, LIP6)at the Research Seminar of the Chair Energy and Prosperity on March 15.

The representation and estimation of continuous time systems with mixed data – By Michael Thornton

Research FellowsComments Off on The representation and estimation of continuous time systems with mixed data – By Michael Thornton

Speach from Michael Thornton at the Research Seminar of the Chair Energy and Prosperity on January 25.

Sovereign bond yield spreads and sustainability: An empirical analysis of OECD countries

This paper studies whether and how a country's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance relates to its sovereign borrowing costs in international capital markets.