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Antonin Pottier
Research Associate

Antonin Pottier is a lecturer at EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), and a researcher at the Centre International de Recherche pour l’Environnement et le Développement (CIRED, Paris) and the Centre Marc Bloch (CMB, Berlin). His interests include socio-economic consequences of climate change and its mitigation, the history of economic thought and its relations with the environment, as well as the role of economics in public decision-making. In Comment les économistes réchauffent la planète (Paris, Seuil, 2016), he studied the diagnosis of climate change made by economic literature and the solutions it proposes. He is currently working on the interactions between social justice, inequality and emission reduction measures.


Antonin Pottier
Research Associate
Author(s) :
Mathias André, Alexandre Bourgeois, Emmanuel Combet, Matthieu Lequien, Antonin Pottier
Author(s) :
Antonin Pottier, Gaëlle Le Treut
Author(s) :
Antonin Pottier
Author(s) :
Antonin Pottier, Emmanuel Combet, Jean-Michel Cayla, Simona de Lauretis, and Franck Nadaud
Author(s) :
Antonin Pottier, Adrien Nguyen-Huu
Author(s) :
Adrien Nguyen-Huu, Antonin Pottier
Author(s) :
Adrien Nguyen-Huu, Antonin Pottier.
Author(s) :
Gaël Giraud, Antonin Pottier.

Paper published in Economic Theory (Vol. 62, June 2016). This paper examines quantity-targeting monetary policy in a twoperiod economy with fiat money, durable goods and default.
