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Raphaël Soubeyran
Research associate

Raphaël is Director of Research in Economics at INRAE. He completed his thesis in economics at the University of Aix-Marseille on political conflicts and electoral competition. He was director of the UMR Center for Environmental Economics – Montpellier. He works on two themes in parallel: (i) development problems linked to agricultural activities and the availability of natural resources and (ii) problems which concern organizations and electoral competition.

More about Raphaël on his website and by following him on Twitter @Rsoubeyran

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Raphaël Soubeyran
Research associate
Author(s) :
Mariana Weiss, Pauline Ravillard, Maria Eugenia Sanin, Franco Carvajal, Yuri Daltro, Enrique Chueca Enrique Chueca, Michelle Hallack
Author(s) :
François Bareille, Raphaël Soubeyran
Author(s) :
Mathieu Couttenier, Sebastien Desbureaux, Raphael Soubeyran
Author(s) :
Nicolas Berman, Mathieu Couttenier, Antoine Leblois, Raphael Soubeyran
Author(s) :
Raphael Soubeyran, Nicolas Quérou, Mamadou Gueye
Author(s) :
Bocar Samba Ba, Raphael Soubeyran
