Hugues Chenet is an Associate Professor of Sustainability at IÉSEG School of Management since 2022. He is also an Honorary Senior Research Fellow of University College London (Institute for Sustainable Resources) and a Research Associate at the Chair Energy and Prosperity (Risk Foundation, Paris). Hugues got his PhD in 2003 from The Institute of Earth Physics of Paris (IPGP), worked as a researcher at the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) and then as a risk management consultant in finance and sustainability before he co-founded the 2° Investing Initiative think tank in 2012.
His research topics concern the role, responsibilities, and new constraints the financial system and broader economy and policy domains are facing, with regard to climate change, biodiversity loss and global sustainability issues. Hugues recently worked on these questions as a Scientific Collaborator at Ecole Polytechnique de Paris (Chair Stress Test) and as an Associate Research Fellow of the Japanese Financial Services Agency (Japan FSA), and contributed to the Planetary Health program at the Oxford Martin School. His current work focuses on the need to approach financial regulation through precautionary and strong sustainability approaches, in the face of ongoing global disruptions and the radical uncertainty that characterizes them. Hugues also sits in several scientific councils of national authorities and private companies.
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