11th edition of the annual International Conference on Mobility Challenges : evnet report

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On February 7, we hosted the 11th International Conference on Mobility Challenges, where we engaged with leading academics, stakeholders from the automotive industry, civil society, and public services on the challenges of inclusively decarbonizing transport, developing our European industry, and avoiding inefficiencies. This diverse mix consistently provided fertile ground for valuable insights, new connections, and fresh questions and ambitions.

We warmly thank all participants.

Here is the content of the program and access to some of the presentations.

Open Address – Maria Eugenia SANIN (Chaire Energie et Prospérité; CEPS, U. Paris-Saclay).

Decarbonizing long distance transport

Chair: Marc BAUDRY (Chaire Economie du Climat; U. Paris-Nanterre).

Accessibility of transport transition

Chair: Maria Eugenia SANIN (Chaire Energie et Prospérité; CEPS, U. Paris-Saclay).

Compensating emissions for the automotive industry

Chair: Clément DUMAND (Stellantis)

  • Emma JAGU (CentraleSupélec) “On the role on negative emissions in Net Zero objectives for OEM”.
  • Sinan KUFEOGLU (Ofgem) “Decarbonising the transport sector”.
  • Injy JOHNSTINE (Oxford Smith School) “On principles for Net Zero aligned offsetting strategies”.

Roundtable: transportation at the crossroads of our decade´s challenges

Facilitator: Peter SIGAL (Automotive News Europe)

  • Corinne PAKEY (Mobilize, Renault) – Innovative and affordable solutions.
  • Benjamin MORTET (Autorité de régulation des transports – ART) – Regulating innovative solutions.
  • Nicolas TACONET (Direction générale du Trésor Français) – Financing challenges and affordability.
  • Maria-Eugenia SANIN (Chaire Energie et Prospérité; CEPS, U. Paris-Saclay) – Challenge of greening the fleet in a context of decreasing subsides and investments.
  • Tommaso PARDI (CNRS-IDHES, GIS-Gerpisa) – European Regulations for an Affordable Sustainable (Battery) Electric Vehicle.

Scientific Committee

Climate Economics Chair: Anna CRETI (U. Paris-Dauphine) and Marc BAUDRY (U. Paris-Nanterre)

Energy and Prosperity Chair: Maria-Eugenia SANIN (Chaire Energie et Prospérité; CEPS, U. Paris-Saclay)

OpenLab Carbon Economics for Mobility: Yannick PEREZ (CentraleSupelec) and Emma JAGU (CentraleSupelec)

Local Organizing Committee Maria-Eugenia Sanin (CEPS, U. Paris-Saclay); Natacha Raffin (CEPS, U. Paris-Saclay)