Using Brazil’s industrial structure and its interdependence, we evaluate the minimal changes in final demand that are needed to achieve their NDC and study the impacts that such changes could cause to the employment by industry in the country.
Cet article montre qu'il est possible de calculer plusieurs ratios de rendement exergétique minimaux par rapport aux différentes efficacités agrégées de conversion de l'exergie
A partir d’une analyse des documents de référence de 2015 à 2017, cet examine la conformité des sociétés du CAC 40 aux recommandations de la TCFD grâce à un nouvel indice de divulgations environnementales : le Comprehensive Compliance Index (CCI).
Cet article analyse la plateforme française d’investissement participatif dédiée aux projets d’EnR : Enerfip.
This article analyzes the trade-off between yield and farmed area when a valuable species is affected by agricultural practices.
This paper studies whether and how a country's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance relates to its sovereign borrowing costs in international capital markets.
This paper follows van der Ploeg (1987)’s research program in testing both its extension of Goodwin (1967)’s predator-prey model and the Minsky Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH) proposed by Keen (1995).
In a stock-flow consistent macrodynamic model featuring two crucial endogenous destabilizing channels, namely debt accumulation and climate change, we perform a sensitivity analysis on four fundamental parameters of the climate and economic systems.
The purpose of this article is to reformulate a clear and in-depth state of knowledge provided by a thermo-evolutionary perspective of the economic system. It is shown that during the entire human history, energy has been central to direct the successive phases of technological change and economic development.
Les investisseurs institutionnels sont devenus des acteurs majeurs des marchés financiers internationaux. Si en théorie, ils devraient participer au financement de long terme de l'économie, dans la réalité leur comportement est affecté d’un biais court-termiste. Comment y remédier, notamment pour financer la transition énergétique ?
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