Cet article cherche à investiguer si la comptabilité en juste valeur peut avoir des effets court-termistes sur le financement de l’investissement à long terme.
Cet article entend montrer qu’une forme de garantie du financement public, avec remboursement en cas de succès, permet de limiter les effets d’aubaines liés aux subventions et les dépenses publiques tout en maximisant le bénéfice social en termes de réduction des émissions.
Under non-exponential discounting, we develop a dynamic theory for stopping problems in continuous time. Our framework covers discount functions that induce decreasing impatience. Due to the inherent time inconsistency, we look for equilibrium stopping policies, formulated as fixed points of an operator. Under appropriate conditions, fixed-point iterations converge to equilibrium stopping policies.
Interconnected systems are prone to propagation of disturbances, which can undermine their resilience to external perturbations. Propagation dynamics can clearly be affected by potential time delays in the underlying processes. We investigate how such delays influence the resilience of production networks facing disruption of supply.
Cet article vise à dresser un état des lieux du reporting environnemental des sociétés du CAC 40 au regard des recommandations de la Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) du Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Output-based allocations (OBAs) are typically used in emission trading schemes to mitigate leakage in sectors at risk. Recent work has shown they may also help to stabilize prices in markets subject to supply and demand shocks. We extend previous work to simultaneously include both leakage and volatility.
The paper studies pollution permit markets in which a fraction of permits are allocated to firms based on their output. Output-based allocations, which are receiving increasing attention in the design of carbon markets around the world are shown to be optimal under demand and supply volatility despite the output distortions they may create.
We examine to which extent the Keen model (Keen 1995) is a faithful modelling of Minsky's Finance. We conclude that the Keen crisis has few Minskian flavours.
The consumption of mineral resources and energy has increased exponentially over the last 100 years. Further growth is expected until at least the middle of the 21st century. In order to meet this demand, more metals will have to be produced by 2050 than over the last 100 years, which raises questions about the...
Article published in Environmental and Resource Economics – September 2017 Abstract. We consider a partial equilibrium model to study the optimal phasing out of...
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