L'urgence sociale et écologique d’une bifurcation pour sortir de la crise multidimensionnelle du capitalisme mondial commence à être admise aujourd'hui. Cet article analyse le rôle des institutions bancaires publiques (banque centrale, pôle bancaire public, Trésor public) pour financer la bifurcation écologique.
Recent recovery plans, associated with the COVID‐19 pandemic and the energy transition, increased the funding available to finance innovative low‐carbon projects and called for an economic evaluation of their allocation. This paper analyzes the potential benefit of using repayable advance: a lump‐sum payment to finance the project that is paid back in case of...
Le contraste est saisissant entre, d’un côté, la surabondance d’actifs financiers au bilan des institutions financières de toute sorte, et, de l’autre, le sous-investissement dans la transition écologique. Est-ce à dire que l’argent ne manque pas pour financer la transition et qu’il suffit de le réorienter au bon endroit en donnant aux investisseurs les bonnes...
Climate transparency through firms' disclosures is often considered a prerequisite for the redirection of investments toward low-carbon economy. In order to provide effective incentives to improve this transparency, it is therefore crucial to identify its drivers.
Depuis quelques années, dans un contexte de raréfaction des hydrocarbures et de basculement vers les énergies décarbonées, plusieurs études ont essayé d’estimer l’impact d’une baisse de l’EROI sur le fonctionnement d’une société industrielle. Une autre façon d’approcher ce sujet revient à se demander s’il est possible d’estimer la valeur minimale d’EROI requise pour soutenir...
Understanding the mechanisms of deforestation is necessary in order to slow or arrest its progress. To accomplish this requires rigorously estimating the demand for deforestation. We contribute to this endeavor by estimating the effect of crop prices on the demand for conversion of land from forest to agriculture in the tropics during the 21st...
The present paper addresses the issue of sectoral policy coordination, especially when Pigovian carbon pricing is unavailable. It analyzes the optimal allocation of mitigation effort among two vertically connected sectors, an upstream (e.g. electricity) and a downstream (e.g. transportation) one.
Article publié dans la Revue d’Economie Industrielle La filière hydrogène est une alternative possible au moteur thermique, aux côtés des véhicules à batterie, dans la...
Many studies have investigated the carbon footprint of households. Here we open a new field by discussing the emissions that individuals enable by providing labor and capital to companies, using the framework of income-based (downstream) responsibility. Our results show that inequalities in emissions do not strongly interact with economic inequality. Yet they are gendered...
In this study, we analyse how access to electricity affects children’s well-being in Rwanda through the allocation of their time in the different activities of domestic production and their leisure time.
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