Despite extensive research on sustainable business models and the development of various tools to facilitate their implementation, barriers persist particularly concerning the governance of a local ecosystem of actors. We identify that a facilitating public policy framework combined with internal institutional, strategic and operational drivers linked to the governance of local ecosystems is crucial for the implementation of local sustainable business models.
Cette thèse contribue principalement à la littérature sur l’économie circulaire en apportant une vision stratégique du processus de sécurisation des ressources secondaires dans les projets circulaires. La thèse a aussi des implications managériales en offrant un aperçu des dispositifs de gouvernance, des dynamiques territoriales et des arrangements de marché qui sous-tendent la réussite des initiatives d’économie circulaire.
Cette note a pour but de présenter de manière synthétique les modèles mathématiques utilisés aujourd’hui par la communauté des économistes du climat et leurs limites. Ces modèles sont utilisés à la fois pour dimensionner les mesures à prendre pour limiter le changement climatique et pour évaluer les impacts du changement climatique sur le système économique et financier.
This paper explores the potential contribution of Sustainability-linked Money Creation (SMC) to sustainable economic policies. Our simulations suggest that, in comparison to a baseline scenario, SMC issues could potentially constitute an anti-inflationary, counter-cyclical green transition policy, that increases biomimetic resilience and contains income and wealth inequalities. We finally discuss the policy implications, as well as the limitations of our findings.
The publication aims at anwsering the following questions :
This paper advances the issue about the richest people contributing disproportionately to the increase in CO2 emissions, and thus to global warming by providing robust econometric validity. The method aims at. examining the effect of wealth accumulation on carbon emissions. Our regression estimates support the hypothesis that wealth concentration significantly increases carbon inequality and accounts for nearly 20% of the CO2 emissions of the richest people.
This paper explores the implications of ecosystemic macroprudential regulations on sustainability in an ecological PK-SFC framework. The results of the paper highlight the relevance of ecosystemic prudential regulation to tackle climate change and call for adopting a holistic approach to sustainability policies.
We analyze the impact of agricultural productivity growth on tropical deforestation. Our dynamic model of forest-to-farmland, addressing the Jevons’ paradox and Borlaug hypothesis, predicts that rising agricultural productivity, reflected by declining fertilizer price growth, has an ambiguous effect on deforestation. Using tropical forest loss data (2000-2022) and fertilizer price variations, we find a negative correlation between fertilizer price growth and deforestation, particularly in regions with high market potential. Our results highlight that protected areas do not mitigate the adverse effects of fertilizer price growth on deforestation.
Ce séminaire sera consacré aux enjeux de gouvernance d'entreprise en lien avec la transition écologique.
We analyze the effects of power constraints on manufacturing firms’ TFPR. Statistically, the power constraints treatment variable is not random for the firms. Power constraints negatively and significantly affect firm-level TFPR. Average productivity 11% lower for exposed firms compared to unexposed firms. The acquisition of backup generators or investment in R&D mitigates this effect.
The 11th edition of the annual International Conference on Mobility Challenges brings together experts from academia and industry, pushing the frontier of challenges at the intersection of automotive, energy, and mobility sectors. We welcome internationally renowned speakers as well as participants from the three sponsoring chairs, along with specialists from a wide range of...