Cette 17° session du séminaire sur le financement de la transition écologique portera sur les méthodologies de comptabilisation des émissions de GES liées aux activités de financement et d’investissement des banques françaises.
Cet article contribue à la littérature sur la "Grande Divergence" en apportant une analyse des causes profondes et immédiates de la croissance économique.
We study optimal government policy in a reference model of public good provision and social approval in a dynamic setting. We show that even if complete adherence to the social norm maximizes social welfare it is by no means necessarily optimal to push society toward it.
Pioneer investigations of the economic consequences of ethnic diversity – a ubiquitous feature of African societies – found a strong and negative correlation. The...
Cette thèse propose une approche transdisciplinaire visant à nourrir les débats suscités par la disponibilité à long terme des matières premières minérales. Elle analyse la plausibilité d’une menace de déplétion de certains métaux clés avant la fin du siècle.
We develop an open-source Python software integrating flexibility needs from Variable Renewable Energies (VREs) in the development of regional energy mixes. It provides a flexible and extensible tool to researchers/engineers, and for education/outreach.
The dynamics of copper production is modeled with a prey–predator approach linking the evolution of reserves to that of industrial wealth.
The Chair Energy and Prosperity organizes its fourth international confrence on sustainable mobility with Chaire Armand Peugeot and IMD on December 2019. Subscription are open.
Le papier analyse les facteurs ayant influencé les émissions de CO2 des transports sur la période 1960-2017. Il évalue pour cela la contribution relative de cinq facteurs pour les transports de passagers et de marchandises : la demande de transport, le report modal, le taux de remplissage, l’efficacité énergétique des véhicules et l’intensité carbone de l’énergie.
This paper aims to review the growing, though limited, body of literature that has emerged in the late 2000s to study the quantitative determinants of RE development at a country level.
Agglomeration bonuses (ABs) are payments conditional on the contiguity of landowners’ conservation areas. It is widely accepted that, by encouraging landowners to cooperate, ABs promote more cost-effective biodiversity conservation than instruments targeting landowners individually. This article challenges this conclusion by studying the impacts of different AB designs, some of which explicitly aim to enhance...
The 11th edition of the annual International Conference on Mobility Challenges brings together experts from academia and industry, pushing the frontier of challenges at the intersection of automotive, energy, and mobility sectors. We welcome internationally renowned speakers as well as participants from the three sponsoring chairs, along with specialists from a wide range of...