In "Why environmental management may yield no-regret pollution abatement options", Ecological Economics, 2009, Bréchet and Jouvet claim to have theoretically shown that profits maximizing firms can reduce pollution compared to laissez-faire and increase their profits. We correct multiple errors in their paper, with the conclusion that their claim no longer stands.
Nous étudions les effets de l’accès à l’électricité sur l’usage du temps, l’emploi et l’éducation des enfants et des femmes en Afrique subsaharienne.
The aim of this article is to identify the conditions under which teleworking leads to a net reduction in economy-wide energy consumption, and the circumstances where benefits may be outweighed by unintended impacts.
This report uses the cost-benefit analysis framework to assess the economic efficiency of the Zero Emission Valley, both from the private and public perspectives, compared to a diesel mobility status quo scenario.
Cette note identifie les deux handicaps majeurs que doit surmonter la filière hydrogène dans les transports et s'appuie sur l'exemple des bus pour illustrer les politiques publiques permettant de surmonter ces obstacles.
This article examines the role of sustainable finance and investment in Japan and how the Japanese financial sector can mitigate growing climate risks and support Japan's transition towards a zero-carbon, sustainable economy.
Le papier analyse l'importance de la vitesse dans les comportements de mobilité, et son évolution en France, par le passé et d'ici 2050.
L’objectif de ce rapport est de présenter le potentiel de l’hydrogène dans la décarbonation de larges bassins industriels portuaires.
Article published in Industrial Relations (Avril 2020) This article examines the relationship between corporate governance and corporate sustainability by focusing on an essential component...
Le papier compare 13 scénarios sur le transport de voyageurs et 10 scénarios marchandises en France, et quantifie les potentiels de réduction des émissions de 5 leviers de décarbonation d'ici 2050.
The 11th edition of the annual International Conference on Mobility Challenges brings together experts from academia and industry, pushing the frontier of challenges at the intersection of automotive, energy, and mobility sectors. We welcome internationally renowned speakers as well as participants from the three sponsoring chairs, along with specialists from a wide range of...