The 2008 and Covid crises have led to increasing public debts and to the launching of unconventional economic policies. Thanks to a complete description of the balance sheets of the domestic and foreign agents, stock-flow consistent (SFC) modelling was well equipped to evaluate their economic consequences.
Using an empirical stock-flow consistent (SFC) model for the French economy, we simulate an imported inflationary shock to emulate the current inflation situation and analyze the resulting macroeconomic impacts on the French economy. Two possible responses are considered: increased wage per capita so as to preserve workers’ purchasing power, increased margins by firms in order to restore their profit share.
The failure of market mechanisms to respect the carbon budget, to assess climate-based financial risks, and to reallocate financial flows on a more sustainable greenhouse gas emission pathway call for strong public interventions and for a strong involvement of both central banks and regulators in the structural change of finance.
Cet article analyse l’intégration des enjeux climatiques dans la gouvernance d’entreprise. À partir des données 2019 de l’enquête CDP, il montre que les sociétés du FTSE100, de l’HDAX et du SBF120, et mobilisent des dispositifs de contrôle et d’incitation similaires pour garantir la transparence de l’information climatique malgré quelques spécificités liées à leurs environnements juridiques et institutionnels. Il en déduit quelques failles et formule des recommandations pour les dépasser.
This paper reviews the evidence from the recent literature regarding the impact of electricity on rural households. The authors' reading of the currently available evidence suggests that while access to electricity is necessary to support local economic development and stimulate a more inclusive labor market, it is however not sufficient.
Ce séminaire vise à mettre en perspective les pratiques dites de management climat des entreprises, en se focalisant en particulier sur le rôle des normes de durabilité comme levier de décarbonation des entreprises.
Electric batteries and fuel cells (hydrogen) are competing technologies for the energy transition in heavy transportation. This paper shows that the existence of a market niche for fuel-cell electric buses (FCEBs) can be obtained depending on the values of a limited set of key parameters.
Several European governments implemented a generalized gasoline subsidy in the face of inflation following the Ukrainian crisis. In contrast, reducing fossil fuel consumption is crucial to mitigate the current energy and climate crises. Fuel consumption for transport increases with income, making rich households the main beneficiaries of generalized subsidies. In this context, a thorough investigation of the nature of vulnerability to rising gasoline prices is needed to formulate targeted policies.
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur un phénomène récent à la diffusion rapide, mais qui cache néanmoins une grande variété : l'intégration par les banquiers centraux des questions liées au changement climatique et à l'environnement. Pour ce faire, son auteur s'appuie sur différentes approches afin de comprendre ce qui pousse (certaines) banques centrales à s'intéresser à cette question, pourquoi elles le font et comment.
Les crises des dernières décennies, qu’elles soient relatives à la finance, aux dettes souveraines, ou même sanitaire, n’ont pas définanciarisé le monde. Tout au contraire.
The 11th edition of the annual International Conference on Mobility Challenges brings together experts from academia and industry, pushing the frontier of challenges at the intersection of automotive, energy, and mobility sectors. We welcome internationally renowned speakers as well as participants from the three sponsoring chairs, along with specialists from a wide range of...