Les publications de la Chaire

Some don’t like it hot: NGO campaigns and the market valuation of « dirty » banks

Auteurs :
Thierry Mayer, Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier and Clément Mazet-Sonhilac

We exploit new data on NGO campaigns that target banks financing fossil fuels ("brown'' banks) to build a measure of French banks' environmental reputation, which we merge with granular data on bank deposits and loans of households in France over 2010-2020. We find that banks receive relatively fewer household deposits when they are perceived...

Warning words in a warming world: central bank communication and climate change

Auteurs :
Emanuele Campiglio, Jérôme Deyris, Davide Romelli, Ginevra Scalisi

This paper studies climate-related central bank communication using a novel dataset containing 35,487 speeches delivered by 131 central banks from 1986 to 2023. It employs natural language processing techniques to identify and trace the evolution of key climate-related narratives centred around (i) green finance, and (ii) climate-related financial risks. Equity returns of "green" firms outperform those of "dirty" firms...

Mission Accomplished? A Post-Assessment of EU ETS Impact on Power Sector Emissions

Auteurs :
Mohammadehsan Eslah, Anna Creti, María-Eugenia Sanin

This paper leverages a new method in the construction of credible counterfactuals for causal inference. This paper adopts a Bayesian structural time series (BSTS) modeling framework alongside a set of contemporaneous predictors related to power sector emissions to build counterfactual estimates of emissions for each post-intervention period and analyze the policy implementation effect by...

Délocalisations dans un contexte d’échanges internationaux et de concurrence imparfaite: Quels sont les impacts des délocalisations en fonction de la qualité environnementale de la technologie utilisée

Auteurs :
Julie Ing, Jean-Philippe Nicolaï

Cet article étudie dans le cadre d’un modèle d’équilibre partiel à deux pays, le Nord et le Sud, les effets du changement de localisation des entreprises dans un contexte de concurrence internationale et imparfaite. 

Energy Poverty has a justice dimension: comparing Bolivia, Côte d’Ivoire, and France

Auteurs :
Anna Creti, Alpha Ly et Maria-Eugenia Sanin.

Energy poverty is a multidimensional issue, as demonstrated by a comparison between two low-income countries, Bolivia (BOL) and Côte d’Ivoire (CIV), and a high-income European country, France (FRA). These three countries represent different stages of access and energy poverty. The findings highlight the importance of considering affordability in efforts to ensure universal energy access, to...

Ecological policy mix: the SDSN France report

Auteurs :
Aubert, N., Couppey-Soubeyran, J., Didier, R., Dufrêne, N., Hollandts, X., Lagoarde-Ségot, 1 T., Le Quang, G., Le Poder, L., Massa, I., Mathieu, A., Peters, A., Ponsot, J.F., Revelli, C., Scialom, L., Sersiron, A., Toure, S., Van Weeren, M.

The report attempts to respond to the UN Secretary-General's recent call for "innovative approaches and bold policy decisions" to tackle the SDGs (UN, 2023). It attributes the existing finance gap to the unrealistic assumptions of the dominant macroeconomic paradigm, which it proposes to replace with new assumptions that are better able to address the...

Un policy-mix vert pour l’Europe

Auteurs :
Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, Wojtek Kalinowski, Dominique Plihon

Si elle ne veut pas se désintégrer sous la pression de multiples crises internes et externes, l’Europe politique doit adapter sa gouvernance économique aux défis qui l’attendent. Certaines formes de coordination économique peuvent émerger dans le cadre juridique actuel, d’autres exigeraient une réforme des traités européens.


Assessing the Impact of Climate Extreme Events and Conflicts on Internal Displacement in Burkina Faso

Auteurs :
Koffi Adzavon, Safiétou Sanfo, Ossadzifo Wonyra, Christine Furst

This study investigates the dynamic relationship between climate extreme events, conflicts, and internal displacement in Burkina Faso. Using monthly data on floods, storms, violent and non-violent conflicts, and demonstrations from 2018 to 2022, the analysis shows that, unlike storms, floods have affected all regions of the country. This study highlights the need for effective conflict management...

Groundwater, climate change and conflict: Empirical Evidence from Africa

Auteurs :
Mathieu Couttenier, Remi Jedwab, Lucile Laugerette

Groundwater plays a critical role in supporting economic activities in Africa, particularly in regions affected by climate change-induced water scarcity. This study examines the economic implications of groundwater in relation to conflict dynamics in these regions. The findings underscore the need for developing equitable water management strategies to mitigate conflict and promote sustainable

What policy mix for the ecological transition?

Auteurs :
Esther Jeffers, Dominique Plihon

This article looks at how to make fiscal, monetary and prudential policies greener in order to address the massive financing needs and major risks associated with climate change.

Starting with the observation, based on the recent experience of the financial and health crises, that the separate and independent implementation of monetary and fiscal policies undermines...