This paper presents novel approach about ethnic polarization in a country and extends its relevance beyond social conflict and civil wars to subjective well-being (SWB) and relational capabilities construct.
This paper presents a family of multidimensional poverty indexes that measure poverty as a function of the extent and the intensity of poverty.
Publié dans Energy Policy Juin 2017. This paper studies merger incentives for polluting Cournot firms under a competitive tradable emission permits market.
Published in Energy Policy - Vol 104 - May 2017. We study the importance in terms of CO2 emissions the extra amount of energy necessary to cover losses. With this purpose we use Spanish market and system data with hourly frequency from 2011 to 2013. Our results show that indeed electricity losses significantly...
Sélection de documents d'archive conservés à la Banque de France sur la politique monétaire menée de 1974 à 1984 pour financer la transition énergétique.
Le diagnostic du changement climatique et de ses conséquences physiques repose sur une représentation modélisée et assez solide des phénomènes en cause. Les effets...
The article examines whether the extra-financial performance of countries on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors matters for sovereign bonds markets. Using a panel regression model over a data set with 23 OECD countries from 2007 to 2012, it shows that ESG ratings significantly decrease government bond spreads.
You can download here the methodological supporting un article analising the effects of a flood experienced in 2012 by communities of the Niger Delta.
How do inequality and growth evolve in the long run and why? This paper analyses the interplay between household debt, growth and inequality within a monetary, stock-flow consistent framework.
Article publié dans The International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (24/12/16) Le document fournit une analyse coûts-avantages de l’un des plus importants projet de déploiement...
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