Les publications de la Chaire

Financing green mobility Is it enough and where does it go?

Auteurs :
Jean-Pierre Ponssard

On Dec 9-10, 2021, the annual International Conference on Mobility Challenges provided an outstanding opportunity to bring together researchers, industry experts and policy makers to discuss these issues. This note gives a summary of the debate.

The climate consistency goal and the transformation of global finance

Auteurs :
Luis H. Zamarioli, Pieter Pauw, Michael König and Hugues Chenet

In this article, we build on four methods to show that Art. 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement comprises a new meaning of ‘finance’ under the United Nations negotiations. Implementation of Art. 2.1(c) requires engagement by governments and non-state actors, including the financial sector. 

An assessment of the European regulation on battery recycling for electric vehicles

Auteurs :
Quentin Hoarau et Etienne Lorang

This paper investigates the design of a recent regulatory proposal aimed at favoring the emergence of a
battery recycling industry in Europe. It develops a material flow model that projects battery wastes and their recycling potential. Our findings indicate that the feasibility of the European Commission proposed thresholds is not very sensitive to changes of material intensities...

La responsabilité sociétale des banques centrales

Auteurs :
Laurence Scialom

Nous nous attachons dans cet article à décrypter les forces à l'œuvre dans la déconstruction du mythe d'une banque centrale uniquement dédiée à la préservation de la valeur de la monnaie et déconnectée des grands enjeux et débats sociétaux. Nous développons l'idée que depuis la crise financière, les banques centrales réencastrent de leur politique...

Côte d’Ivoire’s electricity challenge in 2050: Reconciling economic development and climate commitments

Auteurs :
Edi Assoumou and Florent Mc Isaac

In closing its economic gap with emerging markets, Côte d’Ivoire will face a substantial increase in electricity demand over the next three decades. This paper develops a forward-looking tool to explore electricity technology investment paths compatible with both rapidly increasing electricity demand and the Paris Agreement.

Deepening the territorial Life Cycle Assessment approach with partial equilibrium modelling: First insights from an application to a wood energy incentive in a French region

Auteurs :
T. Beaussier, S. Caurla, V. Bellon-Maurel, P. Delacote, E. Loiseau

An innovative modelling framework and metrics are developed to assess the economic and environmental performances of regional incentives in the wood energy sector. Our approach is based on the coupling between a partial equilibrium economic model of the forest sector with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Its originality relies on the computation of regional eco-efficiency...

How to re-conceptualise and re-integrate climate finance into society through ecological accounting?

Auteurs :
Hugues Chenet, Alexandre Rambaud

We propose an exploratory and theoretical study which introduces how and why a particular and innovative ecological accounting approach, the CARE model, currently called upon by a growing number of practitioners and researchers, is a relevant framework to re-conceptualise the issue of climate finance

Expenditure elasticity and income elasticity of GHG emissions: A survey of literature on household carbon footprint

Auteurs :
Antonin Pottier

The article examines the relationship between a household's income and its carbon emissions (the carbon footprint). It is found that, generally, the carbon footprint grows less rapidly than expenditure, and confirms that the income elasticity is lower than the expenditure elasticity

Exploring nonlinearity on the CO emissions, economic production and energy use nexus: A causal discovery approach

Auteurs :
Peter Martey-Addo, Christelle Manibialoa, and Florent Mc Isaac

We examine the interactions between growth in CO2 emissions, economic production, and energy use at the global and multi-regional levels over the period 1990–2014. Among our findings, our results suggest that policy effectiveness could be gained if a country’s climate actions were coordinated with the other geographies most affected by their consequences, providing valuable...

Testing Goodwin with a stochastic differential approach—The United States (1948–2019)

Auteurs :
Florent Mc Isaac

This paper follows Harvie and Grasselli and Maheshwari's research program in testing both Goodwin's predator–prey model and the extension proposed by van der Ploeg. The aim of this paper is to provide a guideline for the bloc estimation and the backtesting strategy that can be applied to such a class of continuous-time non-linear macroeconomic...